Sayo-chan (小夜ちゃん, Sayo-chan), known in the west as Pocky, is a character from the Pocky & Rocky series that appeared in 1986 in the first game, Kiki Kaikai, and has been the main character throughout the series. The character draft was originally conceived and designed by Hisaya Yabusaki, an employee of Taito at the time who was also the game's overall planner and creator.
From the time of her appearance, she is the pioneer of the miko (shrine maiden) characters that later emerged in various industries. Even in 2010, some 25 years after her birth, she was still being used as a prize item in amusement arcades. She became one of Taito's signature characters and attracting a strong fan base.
Taito Corporation Retro Game Sayo-chan Manuke
Shrine Maiden Miko Shinto Gohei Japanese Culture
Sayo Yuuki - Another shrine maiden video game character.