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Tighnari is a playable Dendro character in Genshin Impact.
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Rarity5 ★
Constel­lationVulpes Zerda
BirthdayDecember 29th
Height5'3" / 161cm
Special DishForest Watcher's Choice
How to obtainEvent Wish - Viridescent Vigil
AffiliationGandharva Ville, Forest Rangers, Sumeru Akademiya, Amurta
Release DateAugust 24th, 2022
Voice ActorsElliot Gindi (English Old Voice), Zachary Gordon (English New Voice), Sanae Kobayashi (小林沙苗) (Japanese)


A Forest Watcher on profile in Gandharva Ville. Despite his intelligence, he prefers to live a solitary life in the depths of Avidya Forest rather than in the ivory tower of Sumeru Akademiya.

Being a Forest Watcher, Tighnari is highly knowledgeable about various species of both plants and animals, particularly flowers. He spends a great deal of time in Sumeru's rainforests, ensuring that the ecosystem is balanced and offers advice to those willing to listen and sternly lectures those who don't. He has very sensitive ears, not being very fond of thunder or wind since they greatly affect them. He is also not fond of the desert, having suffered from heatstroke and thus claims that it's too hot for him.


He serves as a mentor to Collei, who in turn sees him as a Master of some sorts and holds him with high regard.


  • Normal Attack: Khanda Barrier-Buster


  1. Normal Attack: Performs up to 4 consecutive shots.
  2. Plunging Attack: Fires a series of arrows into the air before falling and hitting the ground, dealing AoE Damage on impact.
  3. Charged Attack: Performs a more accurate shot and deal increased Damage. There are different effects based on how long the charging lasts:

Level 1: Fires a Dendro Arrow that deals Dendro Damage.

Level 2: Fires a Wreath Arrow that deals Dendro Damage. When hitting, the Wreath Arrow will create 4 Clusterbloom Arrows that automatically track nearby enemies and deal more Dendro Damage.

  • Elemental Skill: Vijnana-Phala Mine


One with the forest.

Throws a Vijnana Stormheart at enemies and deals AoE Dendro damage, also creates a Vijnana-Khanda Field that provokes enemies and draw their attack. Also, when Tighnari gains the Vijnana Suffusion effect, the charging time of the next Wreath Arrow is decreased by 2.4 seconds. This effect will be gone once the duration ends or after Tighnari has fired 3 Wreath Arrows.

  • Elemental Burst: Fashioner's Tanglevine Shaft


I'll uproot you!

Fires 6 Tanglevine Shafts that can track enemies and deal Dendro Damage. After hitting, the Tanglevine Shafts will create a secondary wave that also auto-target nearby enemies and deal Dendro Damage.

  • 1st Ascension Passive: Keen Sight

After he fires a Wreath Arrow, his Elemental Mastery will be increased for 4 seconds.

  • 4th Ascension Passive: Scholarly Blade

For each Elemental Mastery point Tighnari possesses, his Charged Attack and Elemental Burst Damage are increased. The maximum Damage bonus that can be achieved this way is 60%.

  • Utility Passive: Encyclopedic Knowledge

Showing on the mini-map the location of resources unique to Sumeru if Tighnari is in your party.

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Tighnariティナリ君🌱 祝スメール実装




Character Mentions編集

Although Master can be quite stern and is always criticizing adventurers for carelessly eating poisonous mushrooms, he is actually a gentle soul. He's so patient when he tutors me, and he even reads out letters from Mondstadt for me. I've always been very grateful to him.


Hmm? You wanna know what it is that I'm studying every day? ...Y—Yes, my master is a brilliant intellectual, but no, he's not teaching me anything heavily academic at the moment. It's, um... heh, "Basic Literacy in Teyvat"...


I used to think that I'd never make a single friend in my whole life, but things changed when I went to Mondstadt... Then after that, I met Master in Sumeru. Now I've met you, too. All in all, I think I've been really lucky.


Master is always reminding me that practice makes perfect, so I sometimes try reading some light novels to improve my reading ability... Because they're at least easier to read than Master's essays. But recently, I was reading this book where the main character has loads of different skills. Each one has a name, and I didn't know a single word in any of them... Hmm? The title? I think it was, um... "Onibudou"? Have you read it before?


During my wandering days, there were times when I had to crack open Wolfhooks and force them down if I didn't want to go hungry, so there aren't really any foods that I especially hate. If I had to pick one thing that I won't touch, it would be mushrooms of any kind. Nothing to do with the flavor — I just don't want to ever be the one on the receiving end of one of Master's stern lectures...


Ugh... Here we go again: "The power sealed within me grows restless"... and "You'd be wise to stay away from me"... Why are people in Inazuma casually coming out with lines like these all the time? Doesn't it embarrass them when they think back on it later? Aaah... no, it's too cringey. I can't read any more of this!

I ran into her once on forest ranger duty. Dori pulled out a bottle of fruit juice from her bag that looked really tasty, as if she somehow knew I was thirsty... Fortunately, Master was there, and he stopped me from spending all of my hard-earned Mora in a moment of weakness...

Tighnari is different from other scholars I've met. He has the same wholehearted dedication to knowledge, but he will never cross the most important boundaries. Some scholars see themselves as gods within their own laboratories, but not Tighnari — he has always shown the same respect for every form of life. I've heard that he even declined a position in the Akademiya, and I support his decision.


Tighnari once told me not to tell jokes at the dinner table, insisting that my jokes weren't funny at all. I did not share his opinion, so I told three of my best jokes in a row, and explained the premise of each in great detail. By the time I was done talking, my food was cold.


Tighnari and Collei never said it to my face, but they found Kaveh's personal anecdotes far more entertaining than the jokes I had prepared... I could see it on their faces. Hmm? What did I think about that? Well, I thought it was funny that they could laugh at such a situation.

One of my favorite projects is researching rainforest ruins. Ah right, I should ask Tighnari to come with me next time. It's always fun to travel with the living copy of the Rainforest Survival Guide. I must say, even though I've been around for more than a hundred years, he's seen far more varieties of fungi than I've had the chance to taste...

Ah, Collei... She's respectful toward her elders, diligent, and has a hard-working attitude — truly the perfect student! Children like her deserve all the affection and praise. Tighnari really has no reason to be as strict as he has been. Hmph... I need to find a way to win her over... Ahem! What I meant to say was, as a senior scholar, I should find ways to improve the learning environment of younger students.

Apparently, a lot of people think he has a bad temperament, but I don't think they're giving him a fair chance. When Kaveh built a house right over a Withering Zone and created a huge mess, it ended up being a real headache for the Forest Rangers. Even so, this Forest Ranger didn't hold it against Kaveh. He even invited Kaveh to his house for a meal. Hmm, maybe it's good people like him who allow people like Kaveh to survive.


He loves learning as much as I love Mora. I heard he makes a lot of little interesting gadgets, but he refuses to partner with me to mass produce them. He always says he's too busy with work, but really it's just an excuse. sigh A shame, really... We could make an absolute fortune!

The Forest Watchers played an essential role in helping the rainforest to withstand the Withering and continue to flourish, and Tighnari is the best of them all. Still... I do hope he learns to be a little gentler with people. Otherwise, it's gonna be difficult for the Forest Rangers to attract new top talent.

I hear he's a really talented botanist. He must be good at telling apart mushrooms. At least, he would never have to worry about eating a poisonous one... I'm so jealous.


On February 16th, 2023, miHoYo officially announced the termination of the voice contract of Elliot Gindi - the voice actor of the English version of the character Tighnari due to allegations and evidence of sexual harassment against minors. Zachary Gordon was the actor chosen to replace his role.

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