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2023-08-04 17:58:08 バージョン%


BMO (ビーモ) is a character from Adventure Time.


BirthdayDecember 24-25
SpeciesRobot, AI
1st Person PronounBMO (ビーモ)
Voice ActorNiki Yang (English), Kaneko Ikeda (Japanese)


BMO (ビーモ) is a self-sustaining, walking, thinking video game console-type robot that lives with Finn and Jake in their treehouse.

They not only plays games, but also have a camera and video playback functions, and is a good cook.


They have a face on the display. Hands and feet on both sides and feet on the bottom. Speakers are on the side of the head. On the front of the torso, there is a slot for inserting video games, a d-pad, multiple buttons, and an external input/output terminal (like a USB port). When Finn and his friends play games as game hardware, they use the built-in (or sometimes external) wired controller. There is a battery slot on the back (or a VHS tape slot on the hip, depending on some appearances).

Related Illustrations

BMO from Adventure Time!BMO


Related Articles

Cartoon Network Adventure Time List of Adventure Time Characters Finn Mertens Jake the Dog Video Game Console Game Machine Robot Gameboy

External Links


BMO | Adventure Time Wiki | Fandom


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