A calender (暦, koyomi) is system that divides the flow of time into years, months, weeks, and days for easy understanding. It can be use as a daily record of the months, days, weeks, holidays, and major events of the year.
The Gregorian calendar is a system for counting the passage of time by applying it to units such as years, months, weeks, and days.
Today, many countries, including Japan, use the Gregorian calendar, which is a solar calendar. The Gregorian calendar is a modified version of the Julian calendar established in ancient Rome, and the idea of a solar calendar itself originated in ancient Egypt.
The Japanese calendar uses the Japanese era name, etc. In other countries, however, the western calendar is used. However, since many foreign countries use the western calendar, there is no legal basis for the use of the Japanese calendar in Japan, but the current Japanese calendar itself is the same as the Gregorian calendar except for the number of years, and it is widely used informally. In the past, a lunar-solar calendar derived from China was used as it was until the early Edo period (1603-1867), after which it was modified based on domestic observations. This calendar is called the lunar calendar in Japan, but the government is not involved in any way.
Other calendars, such as the Buddhist calendar and the Hijri calendar, are used in some countries.
In Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and other languages, it is called using numbers. Note that while there is a Japanese list on here the more common use is the numbers.
The names in Europe derives from the Latin name used in ancient Rome. Since the beginning of the year was March in the early days of ancient Rome, September through December still means "July through October" when translated directly from Latin.