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2k-kun (2K兄さん) is the male personification of Windows 2000 Professional.
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NicknamesNichen, Janus-kun
First Appearance2000/02/17 (Windows 2000 Release Date), 2000/02/18 (Release date in Japan)
System PersonifiedWindows 2000 Professional

2k-kun (2K兄さん, 2k nii-san, lit. brother 2k) is the first OS-kun and personification of Windows 2000 Professional. 2k-kun works in an office with some of his fellow OS-tans and OS-kuns.

He is the son of NT-mama of the Windows OS personification family and brother of Inu-T, 2k-tan, Me-tan, Me-kun, XP-tan, Homeko, Homeo, XP MCE-tan, XP-kun. He is also the only OS character to have killed his father, Bill Gates, twice.


He was the first OS-kun to appear on the scene and was 2k-tan's boyfriend, but settled on older brother after opposition.


2k-kun is a man in his late 20's to early 30's sporting a rounded blue haircut, blue-grey eyes, glasses and metallic cat ears (albeit smaller than his sister). He is tall, and constantly seen in business attire of some sort. His light blue suit has buttons that match the same colors as his tie.


He has an air-headed personality and often unintentionally steps on landmines and disturbs the place. He is often more annoying to those around him than he is to himself, but for some reason, he is hard to hate.

He is also is overall a calm, rational man, typically looking after his brothers and sisters with a sort of fatherly nature about him, not unlike 95-kun. Though he can get angry, for the most part he doesn't, staying as a carefree, happy go-lucky kind of guy.

Like 95-kun, he likes drinking (though not as much as 95-kun), and often goes drinking after work with his coworkers (who are also some of his friends). Most of the people he hangs out with are from the Nijiura and Futaba characters, such as his best friend Eigyouseki and close friend/love interest Daiginjou.

His words and actions have caused him trouble at work, but he has managed to avoid it thanks to the support of the Sales Stone and Hiraichigo.

In fact, he has a high level of combat ability, including paperwork skills, and can cut a beer bottle with his hand from a distance of 10 to 15 meters, but he only uses it for banquet tricks, and there are many opportunities for him to show it in the wrong way.



2k-kun seems to enjoy spending time with his family, though perhaps due to his position in the office, doesn't seem to spend much time at home. Despite this, he is often shown doing the activities we might see an adult older brother doing for kid siblings (Such as playing Santa on Christmas Eve), and seems to get along well with his older siblings.

He gets along well with Me-kun and XP-kun, watching over their training from the shadows, and sometimes gives cryptic advice to the praise men.


Given 2k's assumed role of guardian of Me-kun, he spends a bit more time with Me-kun than his other siblings (though he spends plenty of time with XP-kun, too). Me-kun is much more capable than his sister, however, so the extent of caring for him might just involve 2k-kun bringing him to school on his way to work. If nothing else, the pair seem to play off of each other in some way, even if Me-kun occasionally makes trouble for 2k-kun (although not in the same way as Me-tan would for 2k-tan).


2k-kun's relationship with XP-kun seems to be one of an older brother looking after his younger sibling, but more in a mentorish sort of way. 2k has been known to look in on or cheer XP-kun on during his training, and hang out with him after.


He once fell in love at first sight with Daiginjou, bartender at BAR Shimon Heart, which he frequented on his way home from work, and proposed to her, but it was once undone by the intrusion of many Kakkous (Futaba users) who were opposed to the idea.


He is good friends with Eigyouseki, a colleague at Empire Corporation, where he works, and together they play guitar on the street and get into mayhem.


When he met OS9-tan, he gave her a ring "as an important friend" and she mistook it for an engagement ring. This caused a big fuss involving both the Window and Apple OS families, but since she was underage, when she did not find a partner 13 years later, they decided to talk again.

External Link編集


2k-kun - OS-Tan Collections Wiki

2k-kun - OS-Tans.moe Wiki


2k兄さん - ふたば★二次裏@wiki - atwiki(アットウィキ)

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