Yellow (黄色\きいろ kiiro, lit. "yellow color" / 黄\き, ki / イエロー, ierō) is one of the three primary colors of color. It is not included in the three primary colors of light. The complementary color is blue.
In the RGB code based on the three primary colors of light, the color yellow is defined as the color obtained when the values are set to red 255, green 255, and blue 0.
Considered one of the colors of the rainbow in many regions.
In the wuxing theory, it is one of the five colors (blue, red, yellow, white, and black) and represents Earth.
In Japan, red is often chosen as the color of the sun, but in western Europe, yellow is used except for the color of the setting sun.
In Thailand, where colors are assigned to the days of the week, yellow is the color of Monday.
In China, yellow is the color of the Yellow Emperor and the Yellow Dragon, which are so respected that they are attached to the names of noblemen.