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"Yggdra" can either be a shortening of the game title "Yggdra Union" or can refer to its protagonist, Yggdra Yuril Artwaltz.
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First-Person PronounWatashi (私)
Blood TypeAB
BirthdayJune 2
ClassSword Maiden → La Pucelle
Primary CardJihad
Voice ActorMai Nakahara


One of the two protagonists of "Yggdra Union"; one of the twelve protagonists of "Yggdra Unison". She also appears as an NPC in a certain route of "Blaze Union".

In addition, she is a guest heroine in "Knights in the Nightmare", and a slightly different Yggdra is a potential party member in "Gloria Union".

She is a fairly popular character in the Dept. Heaven series and Union series.

Yggdra in the Main Games編集



First princess and sole heir to the Kingdom of Fantasinia; by the start of the game, she is also the only survivor of the Royal Family. Supported by the story's deuteragonist Milanor and her surviving knight Durant, she begins a long war to reclaim her homeland and strike down her parents' killer Gulcasa.

She uses the giant Holy Sword Gran Centurio as her weapon. This sword is a Royal heirloom passed down through her family for generations, and Yggdra was raised on the phrase "Justice lies with the Holy Sword" and so believes these words wholeheartedly. Even when her convictions waver in the ugliness of battle, Yggdra clings to her family's teachings for support in order to believe that her justice is not mistaken and continue fighting.

Because she is after all a sheltered princess raised in absolute comfort Yggdra is still somewhat naive, but her will and sense of justice are very strong, and she is beloved by the Fantasinian people. Generally speaking Yggdra has a kind and gentle temperament, but she has a bad habit of losing her temper to the point of ignoring her surroundings when confronting Gulcasa, whose attack on Fantasinia ended her idyllic early life. Yggdra's tendency to allow her rage to fuel her impulsiveness can be a source of woe for her allies.

After seeing the civil wars in Fantasinia's allies during the early story and being unable to come up with any solutions but violence, Yggdra comes to sense a contradiction between her personal values and the kingdom's justice by the middle of the game. However, after hearing Pope Joachim's words at her coronation, Yggdra puts a lid on these worries and follows the Pope's advice to declare holy war against Bronquia as the empire strengthens its connection to the demon dragon Brongaa.

One of Yggdra's allies pleads with her to call off this war at the point of no return, but galvanized by the Pope's words, Yggdra orders her troops forwards without hesitation. However, all it takes to shake Yggdra's resolve is for her army to cross Bronquia's border and discover the true ugliness of war.

As Milanor puts it, up until this point Yggdra was able to write her enemies off as evil and hate them without second thoughts, but now she is faced with the reality that the people of the empire are human like her, with friends and family of their own. Now she must reconcile to herself what it means that she has killed and is still killing these people.

Ordinarily Yggdra is a peace-loving person and her ideal is a world where everyone can live happily no matter which country they reside in, so her decision to invade the empire comes to weigh heavily on her heart. At one point she nearly gives in to her guilt, but encouraged by her friends, she decides to take responsibility for her choices and continue to fight: Not for the kingdom's idea of justice, but for the sake of the people who depend on and believe in her.

At the end of the war, Yggdra becomes disillusioned with her family's teachings of absolute justice after having killed so many innocent people.

Shortly after this she learns the true wish the Holy Sword symbolizes, the reason it was forged, and its true purpose. With this new information in mind, Yggdra must decide how she will rule the kingdom in this new era.



Yggdra is blond and blue-eyed. She wears her hair tied back in a ribbon, with the hair at her temples in braids and brought together at the back of her head in a ponytail (ojousama musubi).

She wears a black corset over a white dress decorated in green ribbons. The right side of her skirt is ripped all the way up to her hip. According to character designer Satoko Kiyuduki, Yggdra tore the skirt herself so her dress wouldn't inhibit her movement in battle.

It may look as though she's wearing black tights, but they're actually garters.

After her class change, Yggdra coils her braids around the back of her head and wears a silver tiara.



In her starting class Sword Maiden, Yggdra's GEN and ATK both grow at a steady pace, but her TEC and LUK remain low. Even if you manage to get her to max level before her class change, none of her stats will max out; however, the tradeoff is that she levels up quickly, so if you put effort into raising her, her GEN and ATK will become stable quickly and Yggdra can serve as a strong unit in the early game.

However, if you don't prioritize raising Yggdra from the moment she becomes playable, you will hit battlefields where most of the enemies have the advantage over her weapon type. If players leave her on the bench it's a common phenomenon for Yggdra to become unable to catch up to other units.

Yggdra is forced deploy for every map where she's available, so it's smartest to put effort into raising her so that she won't be dead weight.

On the other hand, Yggdra leaves the party for a while in the middle of the game, and when she returns she will always be at level 10 regardless of her condition when she left. Because of this, she can be a bit difficult to raise, and if you want to strengthen her with doping items it is probably best to wait until she rejoins the party.

Yggdra has the same unit abilities as the generic class Valkyrie, and is capable of using the Valkyrie-only skill Revolution. This skill is only usable when all unit members except the head have been defeated, and when activated it automatically defeats all enemy unit members but the head.

Revolution also replaces the unit head's HP with the HP of the last active member of the unit, so if you have a good feel for the timing you can easily turn the tables on enemies and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. The problem is that because Yggdra Union does not display the unit head's HP in the interface, it can be difficult to learn this ideal timing unless you have experience with other Union series games.

When used twice in one battle, Revolution will automatically defeat the enemy unit head, so its compatibility with the item abilities Instant Charge or Gauge Autofill is incredibly high. In the hands of an experienced player, Revolution can break the game.

In summation, Yggdra is a powerful unit in the hands of a player who knows how to use her, but many players never learn how to handle her because they prefer to raise other units which are easier to use out of the gate.

But this only holds true until Yggdra gets her class change.

When Yggdra's class changes to La Pucelle, all her stats grow by one star, and she also obtains the unit abilities "Null Status Ailments" and "Always Ace" as well as the instant-win skill Jihad (Crusade in the North American release). Essentially, she morphs instantly into a cheat-class unit.

Her stat growth changes too, and the base final parameters (no doping or MVP) for the La Pucelle class are 6/5/6/3, the same as Nessiah's unique class.

Yggdra in "Blaze Union"編集

Yggdra appears in the B route alongside her father Ordene and the royal courtier Alanjame. In this game she is 14 years old.

Although her costume resembles the one from Yggdra Union, there are many small differences. Most notably, there's no tear in her skirt here.

Her naivety and sheltered upbringing are emphasized in this story, as she is depicted tending to believe whatever the adults around her tell her. However, her strong sense of justice and fearless nature are the same as ever.

The B route of Blaze Union explores the obsessive grudge that Aegina holds against her in Yggdra Union.


Yggdra's favorite food is strawberries, particularly the Sweetberry. In the "Yggdra Universe" 4-panel comics drawn by character designer Satoko Kiyuduki in the official comic anthology, Durant says that Yggdra's father Ordene had Sweetberries bred especially for Yggdra.

In the audio dramas for Yggdra Unison, Yggdra is often tempted into silliness with the offer of Sweetberries, and much like Roswell, her blind love of her favorite food becomes something of a running gag.

The joke reaches new heights in Knights in the Nightmare, but you deserve to see how that shakes out yourself.

Yggdra as known by the fans編集


She's usually treated as the protagonist of the game, but Milanor used to be called the protagonist back in the GBA era, so it's difficult to tell where to draw the line.

She's supposed to have a kind and naive personality, but she runs around with her giant sword chopping up all kinds of enemies from soldiers to thieves to angels yelling "Come Near Me And I'll Kill You!". (Strictly speaking, this is the result of the player's choice, but her dialogue after defeating the aforementioned angel shocks the entire party.)

The fact that her vigor has given the players a twisted image of her is all fine and good, but it seems that even Sting has been affected. On the PSP-version promotional net radio show "Yggdradio" and then in her guest appearances in Knights in the Nightmare and Gloria Union, she behaves extremely outrageously.

Nowadays, illustrations of her here on Pixiv tend to get tagged with "Heretic Princess" or "I'll Come Kill You".

......How did it come to this?

The Yggdra of "Gloria Union"編集


This Yggdra is a different person from the one appearing in the rest of the series, but there's a strong resemblance in terms of their looks and backstories. However, the Yggdra appearing in Gloria Union is a freelance bounty hunter.

Born on Fantasinia Island, she wields the Centurio Buster, a massive gatling gun that's her father Ordene's memento. She seems to have a grudge against the Lukia Empire.

Her class is Avenger, and her theme is "The Golden Destroyer".

Whether or not Yggdra joins the party depends on the player's choices, and unfortunately you cannot recruit both her and Gangr in the same playthrough.

Yggdra tends to refer to the heroine Elisha as her best friend. Apparently they get along as fellow gun-wielders.

This Yggdra goes "Come near me and I'll shoot you!" as natural as anything, so she's seemingly inherited Yggdra Prime's history of fandom in-jokes turning canon. Since Gloria Union tends to be much more lighthearted than Yggdra Union was, this Yggdra tends to be portrayed much more like the bloodthirsty "Heretic Princess" of memetic fame than her original, and is overall depicted as a bright and cheerful girl with few worries and not much going on between the ears.

But this Yggdra has green eyes, not blue. Sometimes people miss this, so look closely!


In the original PSP version of Gloria Union, Yggdra plays very differently from Yggdra Prime, but as of the FHD remaster for smartphone and Nintendo Switch, you can equip a certain item on her to change her class to Sword Maiden and make her function like her Yggdra Union counterpart, all the way down to being able to use Jihad.

And so, a certain troublemaker probably gets an eyeful of her misadventures in the world of Euforia, just like he must have with the other Yggdra's guest appearance in Knights in the Nightmare. Seeing Kyra's blatant disregard for copyright law must be giving him quite the headache...

Related Illustrations編集





Related Tags編集

Yggdra Union Yggdra Unison Blaze Union Gloria Union

Knights in the Nightmare

Valkyrie Come Near Me And I'll Kill You Heretic Princess I'll Come Kill You

The Royal Army (Yggdra Union)

Milanor Durant Nietzsche

Roswell Rosary Russell Cruz

Elena Kylier Mistel Pamela


Shipping Tags

DuraYgg (DuYgg) MilaYgg RosYgg

The Gloria Pirates (Gloria Union)

Ishut Pinger Ruru Elisha Zazarland

Minnesota Grey Locomoco Raspberry Fiebee

Gangr Kamuru Eater Pamela Anne Cormack

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