






  • Deux messages pour Monique(モニクに宛てたふたつのメッセージ)

    勉強がてら書いた仏語DDLC夢書簡体小説(とも言えないもの)です。仏語も日本語訳もひどいと思うけど(間違いがあればぜひ教えてください)、DDLCをいっしょにプレイしてくれた友だちに感謝しつつ記念に。 モニカはフランス人留学生、女性プレイヤー(きかわ)はフランス語を学んでいる日本人で、きかわがモニカにメールと手紙を書いている、という設定です。モニカの名前はフランス語名(モニク)にしてあります。ユリはフランス語名だとどうなるか分かんなかったのでまんまです。 モニカさんと世界中でデートしたいっす……。
  • Making a happy ending for the literature club

    the doki doki literature club girls really do work well for vore and I do intend to do more with them now that I've got a few ideas. as for the mc's name I just used mc since that seems to be the general name given for stuff like this so I just used it.
  • Just Monika.

    拙い表現は多いでしょうが、こうであったらいいなと 思ったことを書いていこうと思います。 Just Monika.
  • doki doki digesting club

    The digesting club's question

    The fifth part in Doki doki digesting club The girls end up asking a good question. Who's the best prey. Mc is all to happy to tell them what makes each of them delicious but there may be something none of them have realized my discord https://discord.com/channels/796799900591325214/796799900591325217 consider donating to my patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=51956206
  • doki doki digesting club

    Sayori's first prey

    The club get back from a class that seemed to go on forever and a few of them are rather hungry after ages spent in class but to everyone's surprise Sayori decides to try to be a pred for once. my discord https://discord.com/channels/796799900591325214/796799900591325217
  • doki doki digesting club


    The literature club gather to talk about their experiences with vore and what they think about it. But will they all be there or will some be digested for good? part three of the doki doki digesting club series my discord https://discord.com/channels/796799900591325214/796799900591325217
  • 随笔集(全年龄)

    [Monika生贺] MC与来到现实的Monika相互陪伴的一天

    清水文,很久没写了 本来想在9.22Monika的生贺写出来的,但是前几天忙到摸不着脑袋 哭泣了 之后应该还有一篇R18的sp同人文,敬请期待喵 另,Monika的人设实在很难把握,写到一半甚至想弃坑了,如果文中有OOC的现象我先在这里道歉!(土下座)
  • たぶん30週目くらいのモニカさん

    ちょっと書きたくなったほんわり(?)したモニカさんです https://twitter.com/thj2nn4f5gm8←myTwitter。近況や新作情報を呟くかも。 ※現在質問箱にてシチュエーション、ネタ、書いてほしいものを募集中。来たものの中から気に入ったものを書くかも。勿論質問もOK! URL→https://peing.net/ja/bot2021777
  • experience wedding with ur girlfriend

    this basically is an extension thoughts/fanfiction of the topic of marriageXD I was post here->https://archiveofourown.org/works/40842054
  • doki doki digesting club

    Snacks with the literature club

    a follow up to A Sayori cinnamon bun. Mc accidentally reveals his love for vore to his fellow club mates only to find them surprisingly fine with it. If you ever want to support me, you can do so here. This is purely for donations. There are no paywall items or locks. This is purely if you want to. there will also be nothing on the page because coffee is SFW site and will torch anything I upload) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Nervousvampire However if you want to talk to me or keep up to date with stuff. Try my discord https://discord.gg/Z5YgePFq42
  • Making a happy ending for the literature club (vore)

    If you ever want to support me, you can do so here. This is purely for donations. There are no paywall items or locks. This is purely if you want to. there will also be nothing on the page because coffee is SFW site and will torch anything I upload) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Nervousvampire However if you want to talk to me or keep up to date with stuff. Try my discord https://discord.gg/Z5YgePFq42

