すべて見るThe Great Outback Rumble: Dex vs Roger
The time of championship in the Outback has finally come. Me and my good friend, Roger. After a few year of training and sparring with some great friend from around the world and even meet them as a professional fighter as well. So, now it up to us to see who's the true champion right here in the Outback Rumble.31,903文字pixiv小説作品Pokemon x Animal Boxing: A Blazing Fire Fight
Hey, this is my first crossover story of Pokemon and Animal boxing. And on this story; Dex and all of his friend has encounter a event that been held by another kangaroo named Boru and his Incineroar partner, Gao, who's faces against multiple strong opponents. However, this may bring up the heat when it's our turn, so let this battle get cooking with great flavors of lather gloves and some sweat started steaming on the boxing match.42,352文字pixiv小説作品