








  • Ariel the Angelic Genie Series of Short Stories

    Roland's Story

    First of all, let me apologize to my home state of Michigan. Fireleaf Hills is supposed to be an entirely fictional place on par with Grand Rapids or Detroit, a bit north of both of them, run by the the evil DMR. As far as I'm aware, there isn't a place in Michigan by this name (maybe a little village or town, but nothing like a major city). It's not that bad in this state, I'm pretty sure. I cannot stress this enough, this story is FICTIONAL! With that aside, we finally get a lot more insight into one of our original four friends that sit at the core of the Behind the Veil written works, Roland. He's pretty down to earth despite the circumstances, and he has no patience for shenanigans from those who don't treat him with respect. But he also seems to be willing to give people a try, as he did with Duke. And that's the real surprise here: Duke's revelations about himself and Ariel (things that I had hinted at before in other works, now made clear). It also sounds like, because he can't stand up to his wife (who we've already met in Becoming a Dream Chapter 2 - yikes), he has blood on his hands... A story that will one day be told. I am the author of this work. I am the owner for purposes of copyright.
  • Earth's Kitsune

    Earth's Kitsune - Chapter 10: Rescue

    That one was intense, huh? Take the time you need after that. There's a reason I was posting warnings last week about this one... But at least we have a happy ending! This chapter is called "Rescue" for a reason. But these three are going to need to unpack more than just those bags and the destroyed car after that mess... And I wouldn't blame them for going to therapy for this for years to come. The most messed up part about all of this is the fact that there are likely those in Tam's situation in real life, even today. Please, should you ever encounter a situation like this, I ask that you find a way to help those stuck in a situation like this if you legally can. You may just save a life... I am the author of this story and thus the owner for copyright purposes.
  • Earth's Kitsune

    Earth's Kitsune - Chapter 9: New Patients

    You had to have known from my other stories that something like this might happen, hehe. More people coming out of the woodworks to try Molly's treatment once they learn the truth about what happened to her. Suddenly, it's feasible for many alterhuman/otherkin identities to become a reality? I imagine there are quite a few who might suddenly consider it coming out and going through with it, especially in an accepting environment like Citadel Harbor University. And Molly's work with Gia... Let's just leave that aside for now. Because it looks like something really bad is going on with Sammie's family! A word of warning NOW, before we get into chapter 10; it's going to be intense, dealing with some ugly subjects that might make some uncomfortable (or even invoke bad memories or long-held fears). It has a happy ending, but it will be a ride, to be sure. I am the author of this story and the creator of the characters and concepts used in it. I am the owner for copyright purposes.
  • Stories of Embra, The Shade Magic Half-Genie (Shantae Fanfiction)

    A Quiet Day... (Embra Series)

    Coming so soon off the heels of the longest short-story chapter of a series (Shantae and the Return of Embra), we have this comparatively tiny chapter, more in line with my Book of the Dryads chapters. This was an experimental chapter, with each scene focusing on each of our main four - Embra, Star, Aurora, and Boggs. This gives us a little more insight into each of them, things to know about them going forward! It was made to fill a gap of a potential dry spell, but it got uploaded rather quickly originally. Once again, this is set int he world of the Shantae series. While I made many of these characters, the point stands that this is set in a world that isn't my own and included characters from that property too. I try to make clear who owns those properties, and I'm open to corrective actions.
  • Ariel the Angelic Genie Series of Short Stories

    The Legend of Darumond

    A brand new piece of Ariel's tale, and it's a LOT. Lore dump might be an accurate description here... This piece came when I had an epiphany that ended up saving several works that were going to be tossed aside. They were fan works originally, of a series whose owners suggest they own everything fans make with no need to credit the artists and writers behind it. It took the energy out of wanting to do them, until one night, I came up with this take on the kitsunes! This saved those stories, albeit, now very different from how I envisioned them originally, but the core of those stories survive. This piece came about after and sets up for the later ones to become a reality one day! This story introduces us to the kitsunes, their culture, and this world of the Hallow. We also learn more about the story of Darumond (first mentioned in The Golden Edict), and how that binds these worlds together. One can hope he will never come back... This story and its concepts and characters are of my own design, and the copyright belongs to me for those purposes.
  • Earth's Kitsune

    Earth's Kitsune - Chapter 6: A Degree in Magic

    At the time pf posting, this is the furthest any Behind the Veil story has gone, now surpassing Becoming a Dream Chapter 5, the events of which open this particular chapter! And so much for "not likely coming back to the characters of Curse Upon the New Moon" as I once said. Nearly all of the major characters come back, from Tasha (unnamed) in the news highlights Molly and Sammie are watching, to Max, Maxine, and Natalie appearing for a sizable role in this chapter. Natalie particularly, who teaches Molly everything she knows about magic, effectively (finally) establishing the various kinds of magic in Behind the Veil. Special note, I currently practice White Magic in real life. Much of the description of Light Magic here mirrors magic as I've learned it. But I have fictionalized it a bit, so don't go taking this 100% as it is. Otherwise, Molly has taken her first steps towards practicing magic herself! But what was that about having Ocean Magic...? I'm the author of this story and the owner for copyright purposes.

    This should be read by anyone attempting to message me on pixiv and other platforms. Will update on occasion depending on circumstances.
  • Embrace of the Ocean

    Embrace of the Ocean - Chapter 2: Reunion

    Woah, wait a minute... Agent Terrance? Kaylee and Kit!? ARIEL HOPE!? Yup, they're all here! As I said before, this story ties nearly everything together. It turns out some of our protagonists from my various stories knew each other. And now, with Embrace of the Ocean, this fact is established! And we get to really see their personalities shine as they interact with each other. I got to say, I loved having these characters together, seeing them really come alive. Oh, and as stated at the end, Rain is a real-world webcomic, the only thing about this story I do not own. Got some time? I'd HIGHLY recommend giving it a read (for reasons that should be apparent now). You can read it on ComicFury! Go ahead and follow the link to reach this wonderful story! ComicFury: https://rain.thecomicseries.com/comics/1 Otherwise, we have one more chapter to go, the finale of what might be my best piece yet... This story (other than the aforementioned Rain reference) is created and owned by me, for copyright purposes.
  • Curse Upon the New Moon

    This one-off story of mine is the first to depict a forced transformation in my stories... It's a topic as someone who is transgender (like me) might have mixed feelings about. On the one hand, we might want to be in the protagonist's shoes. On the other, they're an unwilling victim. And all too often, I didn't see what I would imagine one would feel if they were cisgender and were struck by such a change... This is my take on that, all the gender dysphoria I imagine one would feel if it happened to them. And I wanted to make sure that in the end, the character gets their life back... Not to say their perspective hasn't changed as a result, changing them for the better. The ending is Max's new direction in life after dealing with the curse. It's also a nod to a close friend of mine who to this day helps with my stories! She's my semi-official editor, which I'm proud to say that she also gets my help with her own! This creepier tale of gender changing magic was released on DeviantArt on my profile there just in time for Halloween... Looks like I did it yet again! (But a bit earlier than last time.)
  • Stories of Embra, The Shade Magic Half-Genie (Shantae Fanfiction)

    Embra and the Old World

    Here begins the "second season" of Embra's stories. Embra must grasp a new set of powers as she's flung into a parallel dimension, one reflecting the world before her own... Ours. This is referenced by some material within the Shantae games. Several game manuals reference this. As such, it became an idea I wanted to play around with eventually. It just so happened I started writing this story at the beginning of Pride Month, which helped shape where the story ended up going. For this piece, the unique nature of this chapter made it difficult to transfer over as is. For most other Word-written pieces, I just copy and paste from my files, losing the bold and italic wording (if there's a way to do this on pixiv, I don't know it yet). But for this one, a significant chunk of context would have been lost. As such, I created this unique version that allows us to follow the internal dialogue in Embra's mind and sneak in the context for the italics of Maddie's voice (a trick I saw used in another story elsewhere). This version will be on DeviantArt later, but not Scribble Hub. As usual, the Embra stories are my own fanfiction writing based on the Shantae video game series that I do not own. And again as usual, I try to make clear who owns that property (which given this is a Word-written story, there's the note at the beginning, and the actual credits at the end).
  • Stories of Embra, The Shade Magic Half-Genie (Shantae Fanfiction)

    Embra's Missing Memories - Part 2

    Part 2 of Embra's ordeal with being flooded with memories of her past takes us back to Northern Light. Here, we learn much about Shelly, Star, Victor, and Lumina. Meanwhile, in the present, the information Embra pulled from Cliff Town has Northern Light activating an ambitious plan to save its people. This story is filled with some of my better scenes (especially for the pre-Word written stuff), with several scenes here eliciting some strong emotions from me every time! One scene I will admit is a play on one of my favorite scenes from another game outside the Shantae series... This story introduces to us the Siren, Aurora, who you may have noticed I have a drawing here on pixiv already! We'll see a lot more of this friendly Siren as the story goes on, and I will admit she quickly became one of my favorite characters (hence the drawing). Unfortunately, this story lands on yet another cliffhanger as poor Embra reaches her breaking point...
  • Stories of Embra, The Shade Magic Half-Genie (Shantae Fanfiction)

    Embra and the Cracked Crystal

    The third "chapter" (used loosely, thanks to the short story format I started with on DeviantArt) in Embra's story gives us a peek into the danger growing in the background. Meanwhile, we encounter some more Shantae series characters, from Vera to some of the Sirens from Shantae and the Seven Sirens. The idea they're still alive comes from one of the ending shots, featuring six of the seven top Sirens together. And I decided to play around with their names, perhaps as choices they might make, free of the Empress's reign. It also establishes that Embra wasn't intended as a one-off, that there should have been more half-genies that were created from humans... The pieces are starting to show themselves of the bigger story here. Oh, and we can't forget Star, whose disaster lesbian tendencies are revealed in one of the funniest scenes I've written so far! As per usual, there are characters, settings, and concepts used for this story that belong to others, and I try to make clear who that is. And I'm always open to corrections on the matter!
  • Earth's Kitsune

    Earth's Kitsune - Chapter 4: Soft (and Fuzzy) Reset

    As Molly finally returns to her treatment, we run into a few familiar faces. I wrote this and Roland's Story (Ariel's stories #6) about the same time, switching between the two as I went. That's why I focused on bringing his character sheet up so soon (when he's something like the 5th one I finished). Additionally, we have the appearance of the Dean once more, continuing from chapter 3. If you had your suspicions she was the same Emily Ashland from Book of the Dryads, they have been confirmed! And it seems - spoilers for the ongoing Book of the Dryads - that she chose to become a dryad after many years of writing (and ultimately finishing) her book on them. But it turns out being one is way different than just learning about them! (Also, apologies to pixiv viewers on not getting the Dryads of Grovewall series to pixiv yet. I want to have a cover for it, like I've drawn for every other story, but I haven't gotten to it yet at the time of writing.) I am the author of this work, and I am the owner of it for copyright purposes.
  • Stories of Embra, The Shade Magic Half-Genie (Shantae Fanfiction)

    Embra's Missing Memories - Part 1

    The first part of the story that reveals Embra's mysterious past, and we get a deep look into what's going on in Cliff Town. Nothing good. The fact Embra survived this place with her spirit intact is nothing short of a miracle. She might be timid, she might be scarred, but she's stronger than we realize. On the other side, we have Victor. What could possibly going on in this man's head!? There's clearly much wrong with him. But was he born this way, or is there something else going on? The first multi-part chapter of Embra's stories focuses on what we don't know about Embra's past, revealed to us (and to her) by memories flowing out from behind a magic memory block. Unfortunately, it's the more recent stuff first for the poor girl, what she had to survive from the dangerous bunker city...
  • Earth's Kitsune

    Earth's Kitsune - Chapter 7: The Sea Fox

    You could call this part 2 of Molly's magic awakening. Well, at least she's not going to become some crazy furry fish creature... But it seems her new Ocean Magic doesn't do anything about the "wet fox smell" - she's probably not going to be swimming that much in the future regardless. XD From here on, we'll occasionally see her practicing with Light and Ocean Magic at times, and we'll get more lessons in the future. After this, we're back into Molly's transition. She's so close to her final form, which she should reach around the halfway point of her treatment, the 26 doses in. She just needs her muzzle and the rest of her tail to come in... I am the author of this story, and I am the owner for copyright purposes.
  • Ariel the Angelic Genie Series of Short Stories

    The Golden Edict UPDATED

    Wait, an "updated" version? While it had been my intent to simply add bold and italic text to my original Notepad-written version, I ended up doing more than that. I knew I would eventually came back to update the work, but given the later Behind the Veil entries, more ended up being done than that. Some you might spot, like Ariel now having her chosen last name (established in later stories by accident), to others you may not. This is now the fully canon version of the story. The original version should be considered a "chapter 0 unofficial version" of the story. But given it was the first one I ever uploaded online (to DeviantArt), I can't just delete it and make way for the new. That original started this whole thing! But here it is (again), the story of how Ariel Hope becomes the Angelic Genie she is in all my other stories! The first ever story I posted online, the seed of a much larger story of trans and LGBTQ acceptance set in a world where magic hides just out of sight... Behind the Veil! I am the author of this and the original work from which it was modified. I am the owner of both for copyright purposes.
  • Ariel the Angelic Genie Series of Short Stories

    A Whisper from the Past...

    The first novel story set un the timeframe that I plan to set my eventual comic story in, we finally see Ariel and Heather together in person! But the biggest takeaways here are the concept of a genie's wisp, a being bound to a genie that helps the genie with knowledge they otherwise wouldn't have, and we also have Ariel being reminded of her friends once again. (A plot point that came together from Embrace of the Ocean - that was started AFTER this was!) Both Embrace of the Ocean and Remembering Ariel ended up influencing the direction I took this story. Originally, we were just going to focus on Eris and Gwen, but with the new factor of Ariel's fondness for her friends, this became a new way to dig into Ariel's character even more. And I could return to the scene in Remembering Ariel (in novel format) that has Ariel's sparkly shroud dulls whenever she's upset or depressed about something. You could say the girl now wears her feelings on her shoulders... We'll see all these characters elsewhere soon enough - especially the new pair of Eris and Gwen! This story and its characters are by me, and I am the owner for purposes of copyright.
  • Earth's Kitsune

    Earth's Kitsune - Chapter 1: The First Subject

    And another new story concept from me! Earth's Kitsune was spurred into existence by an explosion of "otherkin" talk on the social platforms I follow. I learned a lot from the discussions, and from there, the story of Molly came together! Earth's Kitsune tells the tale of Molly's slow transformation from human into a different kind of kitsune than the "Hallow kitsunes" we've already seen, from an untested new treatment developed by one of the said kitsunes. Molly is the first, and here, she learns just what she's getting herself into... Sort of. Who knows what's next with this strange treatment? As it's a part of Behind the Veil, my wider series, we also get to explore Citadel Harbor University itself for the first time, as well as get all sorts of links to other stories, both currently available and soon to come! Strap yourselves in; this one's going to be a wild ride! XD I am the author behind this story, and I am the owner for copyright purposes.
  • Stories of Embra, The Shade Magic Half-Genie (Shantae Fanfiction)

    Shantae and the Return of Embra

    I will admit, This one got away from me, at around 10000 words, it's the longest story I've written to date - a feat I hope to avoid repeating on a short-story chapter like this in the future. (We'll see how that goes...) It's a jam-packed chapter, learning a lot more about Aurora, who we've seen in previous installments, to Sam, the non-binary half-genie from the last piece. And we get even more insight into the workings of Cliff Town. How their people act, how they can be manipulated, and most terrifyingly, [implied] supernatural capabilities of Mayor Victor! Oh, and that ending... What a close friend told me about this ending will always be stuck in my head. You might have a good guess after reading it yourself. XD As usual with Embra's stories, while I invented a number of characters for the story, other characters and the concepts of the story come from the Shantae series, and I try to make clear within the piece itself who owns that. I'm always open to corrections on this matter.

