玲ちゃんにちょっかいかける今大路さんです。 いいね、ブクマありがとうございますm(._.)m 誤字脱字ありましたらコメントにて教えていただけると嬉しいです!573文字pixiv小説作品- Akigakki あき学期。
The Test テスト (1)
Shun gets some athletic shoes with Gaku and then goes home to watch the news. The evening news reveals that Detroit as a city has a lot of crime and violence, and Shun is disturbed and curious about that. In P.E. class it's revealed that Shun is not very athletic. However it's also found that Shun gets sexual feelings when he sees older, larger males changing clothes. At lunchtime he asks his American friends about the violence in Detroit and they confirm that it happens. They begin to discuss a happier topic, an upcoming test, and Shun shares his Japanese hinomaru rice with them.28,965文字pixiv小説作品 - Lhasa+Magic Theatre
4.Lime Rain
4曲目。KOJIさんの作る曲は本当に心の琴線をくすぐりますね。妄想も捗る。 ちなみにこの曲でPOP JAMに出演する際に歌詞の一部を変更させられたという逸話があります。立ち位置的には前回の続き…かな。1,782文字pixiv小説作品 - Akigakki あき学期。
The Welcome ようこそ (1)
16-year old Shun Kodori learns he is moving from his hometown in Japan to a Detroit suburb because his dad got a job promotion and wants Shun with him so his son can learn English. Shun has to say goodbye to his mother Yukie, his grandfather Iwao, and his summertime friend Hiroyuki. Shun then departs from Narita with his father and arrives at the airport in Detroit. After the secretary Tamura and chauffeur Amaki pick them up, they arrive at their new home.28,093文字pixiv小説作品 - Akigakki あき学期。
The Welcome ようこそ (3)
Shun Kodori settles into the routine at his new American school and makes some new friends. His cousin Gaku picks him up, and as they visit the Japanese grocery for the first time, Shun sees someone who catches his attention... a husky dog-man with silver hair.19,821文字pixiv小説作品 - Akigakki あき学期。
The Test テスト (3)
Shun Kodori works on an English paper, but forgets to do his history topic proposal. He takes his history quiz in Mr. Simmons's class. The next day, he learns that he failed the class, and he is very unhappy.11,545文字pixiv小説作品 - マトリ姫&スタマイ
2018年の今大路峻誕生日までのカウントダウンSSを1人で行ってました。35日から当日までの分をまとめたものです。 お題をもらって書いたり、浮かんだものを書いたりかなり短いものからそこそこのものまであります。twitterに上げていたのでR18作品はありません。 良かったらご覧下さいませ〜(´∩ω∩`*)26,566文字pixiv小説作品 - Lhasa+Magic Theatre
Lhasa+Magic Theatre
[異種格闘技戦]Lhasa+Magic Theatre[漏れなつ。×東京マグニチュード8.0×魔法少女まどか☆マギカ×La’cryma Christi]995文字pixiv小説作品 - Lhasa+Magic Theatre
Track.3 Cry Sour Grape
この曲も甘酸っぱい曲なんだけど少し切ない曲です。失恋した二人の曲だと勝手に解釈してるけど最初聞いた時は泣いたなぁ…。今までよりちょっと長いかもしれないんだけど僕の書きたい事が書けたのでちょっと安心してます。2,663文字pixiv小説作品 - Akigakki あき学期。
The Flood / 洪水 (2)
Shun Kodori visits the library and encounters the mysterious husky dog-man he had seen. He drinks a soda and accidentally spills it on his book. The husky dog-man gets angry and demands Shun buy him a new book. As he agrees, the dog-man warms up and introduces himself as Kouya Aotsuki. Shun gets him the new book, and at a restaurant Kouya begins to tutor Shun.15,810文字pixiv小説作品 - Akigakki あき学期。
The Welcome ようこそ (2)
Shun Kodori settles in his new home in a Detroit suburb but has to get accustomed to strange food and an even stranger combined bathroom and toilet. After encountering some silly slip-ups, Shun gets ready for school, and Shun's father Ryo drops him off there. At orientation Shun begins making new American friends.24,155文字pixiv小説作品 - Akigakki あき学期。
The Flood / 洪水 (1)
A tearful Shun is told that he needs to do better, and that he has to take the teacher's topic proposal. His friend Tim suggests that he forge his signature on the progress report but Melinda opposes the idea and reassures him that it's just a progress report. When Iwao-sama hears about the bad grade, though, he is very angry with Shun and threatens to send him back to Japan. The following day Gaku takes Shun to the library so he can study. Shun observes the City of Detroit, which he is seeing for the first time.15,846文字pixiv小説作品 - Akigakki あき学期。
The Test テスト (2)
Gaku picks up Shun, and at night Shun has sexual thoughts about the horse-man in the locker room. Shun is not sure of his sexuality. The wolf-boy visits a lake with his father and cousin on a Sunday, where he encounters a husky dog-man in a speedo. He is the same person Shun saw in the grocery store during his first full day. Shun has an even stronger sexual reaction to the dog-man. Tim invites Shun to his house to play video games with his friends, who play pranks on Shun. When the boys look at pornography of Japanese AV idol Sora Aoi, Shun finds out that he has no sexual reaction to her.25,676文字pixiv小説作品 - マトリ姫&スタマイ
いつもブクマいいねフォローありがとうございます😂 今回クリスマスイブのお話を書いてみたくて頑張ってみました。峻玲ちゃんなのにエッチ無しで大丈夫かと言われそうですが💦 毎度の事ですが、作者の捏造妄想キャラぶれを許せる方のみお進み下さいませ。 今回MOBさん出てます。マトリ姫読んだ人なら分かるかなと!7,947文字pixiv小説作品