すべて見る- Magic Swap Stick - Failure Love
Chapter 2: Body Swap
Well, I don't have too much time to translate, so it's very slow to have new chapter. Thank you for reading! :)10,549文字pixiv小説作品 - Magic Swap Stick - Failure Love
Chapter 3: Return Back! - The new school year begin (1)
Sorry for the late chapter. I don't know if I have miss some sentences or dialogs of English version compare to Vietnamese version or not. If you find any different, you could tell me in the comment or DM me. DM or comment or contract me if you want to translate this story series or have any ideal. Thank you for reading this. Wait...seem this chapter shorter than before?10,630文字pixiv小説作品 もしギニューとブルマがボディチェンジで入れ替わったままだったら ?
以前他作者様企画された合同企画に寄稿させて頂いた作品です。性行為の直接描写はないので年齢制限はしていません。未知の感覚に囚われたコンプレックス満載のロボットが主人公ですが、買主からの愛が無ければこうなるかもしれません。6,443文字pixiv小説作品- Magic Swap Stick - Failure Love
Chapter 1: Spring Wind, Soap and the Stick
Well...yeah...the first chapter...Is it good? Please let me know. If you want to translate this short story series to your languages, please DM me via Pixiv, or go to my profile card in my info to contract me. Thank you. Vietnamese version here:,185文字pixiv小説作品 エクラの召喚~ノート編~
以前こちらに投稿しておりましたダグと盗賊の入れ替わりの続編でございます。あれから半年以上が経過し私の心に『悪いことしたな』という後悔の念があり、ヨトゥン姉妹を救済する作品となっております。エクラのキャラクターは実力は少しあるけど基本お調子者といった感じです。6,630文字pixiv小説作品- Magic Swap Stick - Failure Love
Chapter 5: Unforeseen outing
Translating is hard and time-consuming, sorry for late chapter. Vietnamese version is full now, but English version will be slowed translated. Hope you enjoy it. You could help me by comment, DM,...That my motivation for continue translate XD DM me if you want repost this story, or re-translate it. Thank you for reading XD.10,561文字pixiv小説作品 - Magic Swap Stick - Failure Love
Chapter 4: The new school year begin (2)
Hey yeah, this chapter doesn't have any TSF, I want to concentrate on developing the characters' psychology and plot. Maybe you need to wait 2-3 chapters more for TSF theme. Thanks for reading and supporting me!10,862文字pixiv小説作品