すべて見る- Mermaid Daily Life Series
Mermaid Daily Life —— color of pink!
Mermaid Daily Life Series, doujin novel created by a group of three, translating from my original novel written by Chinese. I do want all English-speaking friends to know the loveliness, smartness and bravery of our little mermaid Aki(知秋), and I hope all of you can find happiness in my novel. The reading rule is, 【】stands for the view of that person, and the novel is in the first person most of the time. Besides, I’ll write the Chinese name and English name in the heading, for someone who had already read part of my Chinese novel. Aki =知秋 Summer =舒夏 Actually, I am using google translator to help myself do the translating work. If there is any mistake in gramma, vocabularies, tense or English expression, I am willing to take any criticism and suggestion. Please supervise me to make improvement! Original artwork of Little Mermaid Aki: Read more stories of Aki:,575文字pixiv小説作品 - Embrace of the Ocean
Embrace of the Ocean - Chapter 2: Reunion
Woah, wait a minute... Agent Terrance? Kaylee and Kit!? ARIEL HOPE!? Yup, they're all here! As I said before, this story ties nearly everything together. It turns out some of our protagonists from my various stories knew each other. And now, with Embrace of the Ocean, this fact is established! And we get to really see their personalities shine as they interact with each other. I got to say, I loved having these characters together, seeing them really come alive. Oh, and as stated at the end, Rain is a real-world webcomic, the only thing about this story I do not own. Got some time? I'd HIGHLY recommend giving it a read (for reasons that should be apparent now). You can read it on ComicFury! Go ahead and follow the link to reach this wonderful story! ComicFury: Otherwise, we have one more chapter to go, the finale of what might be my best piece yet... This story (other than the aforementioned Rain reference) is created and owned by me, for copyright purposes.24,228文字pixiv小説作品 - Embrace of the Ocean
Embrace of the Ocean - Chapter 1: Cast Out
I apologize in advance to the pixiv readers who didn't get this story as soon as my other sites. I didn't have enough time last week to get this to every site I'm currently using. And I was busy after that. Anyway... From conception to completion, this story took less than a week to write! So begins my first story to feature merfolk, telling the tale of transwoman Andrea, as she is thrown out to sea by a violent storm, only to be saved by the Ocean. In this chapter, we see her determination to get home, especially as she begins to change into something else... I had no idea this story was in me, but a spark of inspiration later, and I couldn't put it down... I HAD to complete it! What's more, it started tying everything together as the story itself came together! More on that to come... This story is by me, and I am the owner for copyright's sake.24,954文字pixiv小説作品 - Ariel the Angelic Genie Series of Short Stories
Dreaming of an Alternate World
This story started to come together as I was finishing up the Remembering Ariel comic. I wanted so badly to revisit the alternate world and its cast. So I shamelessly left myself a door open to it. XD But every new story is an opportunity to learn about the characters, no matter which reality they're in. It seems Ariel can be a bit drunk-like when she's exceptionally tired (in a fairly adorable way, I might add). And Roland and Andrea are compatible with each other - BUT this is an alternate pairing. It's unlikely this will happen in the "main" universe... (For reference, both are heterosexual and trans, with Roland being panromantic and Andrea being fully hetero. I plan to address this soonish in planned character sheets.) But what's this? Of who knows how many alternates, genie Ariel's parents are the only rich ones? And they're criminals? And Ariel can't seem to use magic to dig up solid evidence? Just what are they up to, I wonder... (Those who've read Becoming a Dream might know more...) This story and its characters are of my creation, and I am the owner for copyright purposes.27,660文字pixiv小説作品 - Embrace of the Ocean
Embrace of the Ocean - Chapter 3: The Long Haul
... Need a moment? A tissue? I wouldn't blame you for a couple of those scenes. This one story probably has altered the course of my original story world, much like The Legend of Darumond before this. But instead of the wide world-building of that story, we instead have this wonderful friend group coming together for each other. All of them should be expected to pop up frequently in my original stories to come! This story even influenced the ending of Remembering Ariel - this story was written before I finished the last 3 pages. This allowed me to dig into Ariel's character more, and we even got cameos from Kaylee and Andrea, the former never before drawn until then! Another story in progress at the time I jumped into this is also getting some edits - and new story details that weren't slated to be a part of it originally! This is likely just the beginning, and I hope all of you who follow my stories stick around for what I'll offer next! For copyright purposes, I am the author of this story, and the rights belong to me.41,137文字pixiv小説作品 Designer Dresses For The Wedding
Nowadays, designer strapless prom dresses 2011 are becoming more and mroe popular around the world. Girls would like to put on white bridesmaid dresses because white resources purity. They want their husbands to have the though that they’re uncontaminated and love them for a lifelong time. Designer bridesmaid dresses are reception by brides due to their high pre-eminence and nicely style. Those bridesmaid dresses are perfect thought-out by popular designers and give the thought of being rather nice-looking. What a bride definitely needs in her wedding are that she is the most stunning one in her husband’s eyes and will be loved and treasured by her husband forever.1,103文字pixiv小説作品- 幼い時に出会った時君ともう一度会いたい