





  1. 該当項目を表す日本語の記事は投稿されていませんか? (例 :「犬(ドッグ)」)
  2. 該当項目を表すアルファベット表記の記事は投稿されていませんか? (例 :「dog(ドッグ)」)
  3. pixpediaで分割された項目」を親記事に設定することは検討しましたか?
  4. 英単語」を親記事にすることを検討しましたか?






















漢字表記をそのまま英語に訳す事ができたり、ニュアンスがほぼ一緒な和語がある為(例えば水瓜はまんま「water melon」、ノコギリザメはまんま「saw shark」である)に勘違いされやすいが、漢字表記がそのまま英訳できるわけではないし、ましてやあちらさんと日本人の感性が一致しているとは限らない。

これを鮫で例えてみよう。鼬鮫は英語では「weasel shark」ではなく、「Tiger shark」(虎鮫)となる。ちなみに、これを日本語でそのまんま再翻訳すると「虎鮫」となるが、日本語でトラザメというとトラザメ科の鮫を指す…ややこしいッ!流石に英語の授業でこんな細かい表現を習うことはないだろうが、参考までに。(日本語と英語のギャップについては和製英語スカイママの項目も参照されたし)。



「あなたは私に何を求める?(何か用?)」(=What do you want to me?)だったら日本人はそのまま言葉に出来るが、これに対し英語の場合だと

「何を したい あなた 求める 対象 私に」くらいの頭の構成(ニュアンス)で伝える必要がある。先の文章の後に()で要約された様に日本語は主語を省略しても会話が成り立つ場合が殆どだが、英語はそうはいかずちゃんと主語を入れないと成立しない。(でないと「What do you mean?(どういう意味?)」で返される)















  • legendarys watchers

    legendary watchers 1

    In the thousands of missions sometimes normal events become extraordinary
  • 私は魔法少女の悪役だと思いますか?


    Oh, so yeow really, really, REALLY, want to know what I was doing Eight Years ago? I meown, I was doing lots and lots of fun things all that time ago, so it’s kind of hard for mao to remember exactly. Oh, I do remember I was trying to make people happy, since everyone seemed to be really sad after what happened Eight Years ago, and I kneow I did a great job at that! Everyone got happy when I was around, and meowst of them seemed to love me for whatever I did! I made sure that even the saddest of kittens had a smile on their face, and kneow that things were going to get better! I even still run into some of those people and they call moa the best Magical Girl ever, but I don’t think that’s entirely true. I can think of at least one Magical Girl better than moa, but she also says the same things to me whenever I talk to her, so maybe it is true? So, what did yeow want mao talking about again? ******** So I need to get myself in a better writing position, since there was supposed to be something else here. Still, I'm up to 10 parts of I Guess This Makes Me A Magical Girl Villain. This is just something I can't help but love that I managed to keep myself up with this for so long. I hope I would be able to keep this up for at least 10 more. I hope everyone who have read this had fun, both with the story and outside of it too.
  • 私は魔法少女の悪役だと思いますか?


    Oh, so yeow really, really, REALLY, want to know what I was doing Eight Years ago? I meown, I was doing lots and lots of fun things all that time ago, so it’s kind of hard for mao to remember exactly. Oh, I do remember I was trying to make people happy, since everyone seemed to be really sad after what happened Eight Years ago, and I kneow I did a great job at that! Everyone got happy when I was around, and meowst of them seemed to love me for whatever I did! I made sure that even the saddest of kittens had a smile on their face, and kneow that things were going to get better! I even still run into some of those people and they call moa the best Magical Girl ever, but I don’t think that’s entirely true. I can think of at least one Magical Girl better than moa, but she also says the same things to me whenever I talk to her, so maybe it is true? So, what did yeow want mao talking about again? ******** So I just finished my tenth Chapter of "I Guess This Makes Me A Magical Girl Villain." I know it sounds weird to say, but thank you to everyone who has read this far, and it is still hard for me to think of me actually getting this far. Here's to more Magical Girls.
  • How Saeki Sayaka Missed Edamoto Haru and Discovered Arisu the Girl Who Saw Ghosts

    5th Mystery: A Book that Should Not be Read

    The relationship doesn’t end with the confession. Saeki-san and Arisu move ahead as an official couple. There are also three more mysteries to investigate. This time ‘The Book that Should Not be Read.” Story by Nara Moore Twitter: https://twitter.com/nara_moore Mastodon: https://toot.community/@NaraMoore Art by Mai-sensei Twitter: https://twitter.com/maiisheree
  • Digimon Adventure Forever (English Storyboard Ver)

    *This story is fan made by me, following some filling of the plot holes from Tri. I do not own the Digimon series and all rights go to Toei and Bandai.* 2012. Two years have passed since Tai’s last adventure with Agumon and the connection they shared is gone. Nonetheless, Tai is sure that one day they will meet again, believing that his adventures are not over. In London, as the Olympic Games are almost ready, a 12 year old boy named Alex and his partner Herissmon arrives from America after receiving an invitation from his father’s friend, Kyle Snyder, to his exhibition on a digital program he is working on. At the same time, Davis, Veemon and their teammates arrive from both corners of the world to watch the Olympics for their vacation. Little do they know that their encounter with Alex and Herissmom would lead them to solve some big mysteries involving Digimon attacks and Kyle’s company, D.A.T.S industries. Meanwhile, Tai once again encounters Meiko during his summer break in Japan. As they get to know what they have been doing since they last talked, they saw a strange silhouette in a dark aura leaping from one building to another. It is as if the silhouette looks like the Digimon they once had 7 years ago... Both sides lead to one event as a mysterious phantom watches over the Digidestined to execute his final master plan to destroy the world once and for all. Once again, the digidestined are called to defeat the force of darkness, but some teammates don’t have their Digimon partners anymore. Nonetheless, this adventure will bring forth their will power deep inside their hearts and rid great evil once and for all. This is the story of which everyone can bring a brighter future. This is the story of believing in one’s self.
  • Matsumoto's Curse

    File D: Suzuhiko Hime (鈴彦姫) & Yogen no Tori (よげんのとり)

    Kanoko Nihana tells a story, the Suzuhiko Hime dance, and the Yogen no Tori speaks. Story by Nara Moore Twitter: @Nara_Moore Mastodon: @NaraMoore@toot.community Cover Art by Mai-sensei Twitter: @maiisheree Art: "Yogen no Tori Speaks" by Punix twitter: @athran_punching youtube: Punix
  • Mommy Knows Best

    A short one-shot story that I'd been working on for a little time. Finished the artwork, and am now able to post. I do find the concept of this one fairly cute.
  • 私は魔法少女の悪役だと思いますか?

    泣いた女神のように、あなたもそうするでしょう P7

    Hi girls, it's LaLuna here! Sorry about being in bed right now, but the doctors said this was the best thing for me. And yes, LaSola is doing good too, she's just busy right now, so she told me to tell you this. So yeah, yesterday was the biggest Witch Attack in about Eight Years, but that doesn't means it's the second coming of Total War, or whatever else you've been hearing. And no, the rumor that Captain Re was attacked by her Mascot is just that, she's just recovering after yesterday like the rest of us. Don't worry about that Witch either, she got caught up in her own magic, and Princess Illustrious Star herself told us not to worry, so we'll be fine. We will have that portal thing and the rocks in the sky cleared up in a couple of weeks, since we can't be sure closing that portal won't just cause them to fall down, so please bare with us. Oh, and please stop taking pictures of the portal. We've had reports of cameras spontaneously coming to life as a direct result, with few of them being very pleased at their owner, so it isn't a “quick way to get a Mascot” like those prank posts say. This has been LaLuna, and I hope you have a Lunar Day! ******** So one of my classes were canceled today...which is actually a lot of fun for me, so that's actually what I kind of needed.
  • Ultra Heroine-English TL Project

    Ultra Lady-EN TL Project Launch

    Hi everyone. Now might be an awkward time to admit it, but writing a fic in English (http://www.pixiv.net/series.php?id=808175) about characters whose profiles are entirely in Japanese isn't exactly ideal. Or rather, I feel silly to have only realized this now. With that in mind, I had a short chat with the user vsr-10 (http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=471249); the owner of the original characters/Ultra Ladies that are being used in my story (http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45692932 and http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45844941). We both agreed that having English translations for the character profiles of our beloved Ultra cuties would be great, so I'm now starting this little pet project to do just that! I hereby announce the start of the "Ultra Lady-English Translation Project"; where I will be primarily translating (to the best of my abilities as an amateur) the character profiles of vsr-10's free characters (e.g. Ultra Lynette & Limere) and other supplementary materials in the pixiv novel format. PLEASE NOTE that I'm doing this as a hobby and for a way to practice/learn the Japanese language. I will NOT accept requests to translate any material that are not within my planned translation list (with the only possible exception being those from the character creator vsr-10 himself). Now that we've got that out of the way, this item will serve as a placeholder for the announcement as well as a reference for the translated/to be translated material that I'm about to do. If there are suggestions, comments and/or corrections about my works, please let me know. Thank you!
  • Vampers: Halloween Trial


    Well, it's officially the end of an absolutely fun story to write. Overall, the concept and ideas this story brought to me was loads of fun. This has to be one of my most enjoyed written series. I can only hope that it comes out that way to you the reader! From the other stories I've written, I'd say Nano's Enchantment would be in second (though by quite a lot). The supernatural themes is just a joy for me to imagine, which helped in making this story be so fun to write. Especially when things like cute witches, cute vampires are part of my top three banes (things I tend to adore the most). Don't think just because Viki has now found friends in the human world that everything is just dandy. That's because Viki's adventure isn't completed yet! So yes, there is a sequel that I hope you will look forward to seeing! I'll just give you one hint for the sequel, supernatural. Look forward to that fun read.

