すべて見るReturn to the Honeybee Inn
Held by Andrea Rodea for their own good, Cloud and Tifa discover they are to be stars of the stage, whether they like it or not.18,939文字pixiv小説作品- Swinging Crystal
Swinging Crystal
Preparing for an exam never required so little effort.3,877文字pixiv小説作品 - Joining the Luthor Side
Joining the Luthor Side, Chapter 1
This is the first part of a long commission from a new friend of mine, who has invested quite deeply into this series! Chapter 2 is forthcoming, and will switch perspective a little bit, while following the same story. It will chronologically occur right after this one. Check out the commissioned artwork which goes along with this story, done by the very talented JPGR! https://www.deviantart.com/jpgr00/art/Power-Girl-s-demise-886936481 (There are five pieces- this is only the first.) I had a good time with this story. First time working on hypnosis, and I was a little apprehensive at first- I even initially turned down the comm- but I came around. I enjoyed writing the fights, and the costume designer is so freakin' cute, I just love her. <3 Part 2 is here: https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=1593575832,057文字pixiv小説作品 - Sexual god.
A collection of seemingly separate tales that nevertheless are united by one overreaching theme -- young girls and young women being used and abused by me in all my manifestations. This is an introduction into my world. I am a sexual god!6,060文字pixiv小説作品 - 白铃的催眠研究日记
前言:本篇由三篇独立但又相互关联的小故事组成,不过本篇文却是幻想和现实夹杂的产物,其中大多数剧情的情节继承于之前我的文章,只是给错过征文和好久没有更新的我和喜欢我的读者的一点宽慰(x。希望大家读得开心,也请留下宝贵的评论。8,596文字pixiv小説作品 Rosario vampire-Kurumu's anger
THIS ONE I DO REMEMBER! This was inspired by the fact that I hate the way Kurumu gets screwed at the end of the manga. It genuinely frustrates me that she gets implied to starve to death since she feeds on love and Tsukune will never return it. If you ever want to support me, you can do so here. This is purely for donations. There are no paywall items or locks. This is purely if you want to. there will also be nothing on the page because coffee is SFW site and will torch anything I upload) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Nervousvampire However if you want to talk to me or keep up to date with stuff. Try my discord https://discord.gg/Z5YgePFq4212,084文字pixiv小説作品- Swinging Crystal
Swinging Crystal
A hypnotist performs at a college campus and one member of the audience gets an idea.6,354文字pixiv小説作品 - Joining the Luthor Side
Joining the Luthor Side, Chapter 2
And heeeere's part two! As promised, it switches perspective, from Lena and her converts to Lois Lane, and her search for what is going on. Of course, she's going to find more than she bargained for... We also brought back the designer for a bigger role, and gave her a name. Welcome Linnea to the team! I absolutely love her, she's the cutest terror at the Luthor Corporation. <3 Check out JPGR's concurrent illustration! https://www.deviantart.com/jpgr00/art/Lois-in-peril-890663792 If you haven't already, read the first part first! https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=1591674424,830文字pixiv小説作品 - Sexual god.
In the park, Mary's story
My fun in the park, but from the perspective of one of my victims.20,304文字pixiv小説作品 Dracula and the barmaid (vore)
This one was an interesting one as I saw several pin ups of the classic black and white movie monsters carrying busty women and couldn't help but think of them in vore situations. I think id' have written more had the DA nuke not happened. Who knows I may yet still, but feels doubtful now. If you ever want to support me, you can do so here. This is purely for donations. There are no paywall items or locks. This is purely if you want to. there will also be nothing on the page because coffee is SFW site and will torch anything I upload) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Nervousvampire However if you want to talk to me or keep up to date with stuff. Try my discord https://discord.gg/Z5YgePFq427,230文字pixiv小説作品- Swinging Crystal
Swinging Crystal
Danny tests out the crystal he had taken from the hypnotist the previous night.3,491文字pixiv小説作品