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Assault Lily Last Bullet


Assault Lily Last Bullet is a role-playing application game for smartphones from the Assault Lily Project.


Assault Lily Last Bullet (アサルトリリィ Last Bullet) is a role-playing app game from "Assault Lily project", an action doll series. It is available mainly for smartphones. It was released on 20 January 2021.

The PC edition is released on DMMGAMES (DMM GAMES PLAYER).

As of November 2022, a Japanese version and Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Malaysia versions are available.

Game Genre

The genre of this game is a battle RPG, with an original newly-written story linked to anime "Assault Lily BOUQUET". In addition to this, there is a mode to play PvP battles.

It features Live2D characters and illustrations with motion. The catchphrase is "RPG that feels the life".

Like other Assault Lily titles, the scenario and presentation of this game focuses on the 'yuri' element, with a strong emphasis on the relationships between the characters, and does not allow the player to intervene in the story.


Basically, the story takes place in the timeline after the last episode of the anime series.

In the game system, the following five types of story exist. Only the main scenario and self-introduction story are fully voiced. Event scenarios may be voiced only for important dialogue.

Main Story

The main scenario follows the interactions between the Hitotsuyanagi Squad, Hervarar and Gran Eple through their battle against the special type of Huge after the anime story, which takes place in the seaside Kamakura, but is expanded to include a wider range locations such as Tokyo urban areas.

Chapter 1

Legions assemble ("Gathering the Legion" from #11) (レギオン、集結)

No.Episode TitleOriginal Title (Translation)ReleaseRemarks
#0PROLOGUEプロローグ20 January 2021
#1RESCUE OPERATION雨中の救出作戦 ─雨の中戦う少女達─ (Rescue Operation in the Rain: Girls fighting in the rain)
#2A BLOOMING OF IVY街を彩る新たな絆 ─出会いが産みだす笑顔と幸せ─ (New Bonds Adorn the Streets: Smiles and happiness born of encounters)
#3SEASIDE TRAININGレギオン合同訓練 ─一緒に聞いた波の音─ (Legion Joint Training: The sound of the waves we heard together)
#4CONNECTION交わる3校の道 ─心の距離感─ (The Paths of the Three Schools Intersect: The distance between hearts)
#5DECISIVE BATTLE決戦!特型ヒュージ ─絆が紡ぐ一撃─ (The Decisive Battle! Special Huge: The blow spun by bonds)
#6MULTICOLORED FLOWERS神庭女子藝術高校 ─色とりどりの花─ (Kamba Girls High School of Arts: Multicolored flowers)
#7FRINGED IRISエレンスゲ女学園 ─日陰に咲く花─ (Herensuge Girls Academy: Flowers blooming in the shade)
#8EMERGENCYエリアディフェンス崩壊 ─日常が終わる瞬間─ (Collapse of Area Defense: The moment when daily life ends)
#9BATTLE OF TOKYO 1ST都内攻防戦・前編 ─伝えるべき思い─ (The Battle of Metropolis, First Part: Thought to convey)
#10BATTLE OF TOKYO 2ND都内攻防戦・後編 ─仲間と切り開く未来─ (The Battle of Metropolis, Second Part: The future that opens up with companions)
#11GROWING THREAT成長する脅威 ─夜の闇を切り拓く者─ (Growing Threat: The pioneers of the darkness of the night)10 July 2021
#12FETAL MOVEMENT災禍の胎動 ─繭─ (The Fetal Movement of Calamity: The cocoon)
#13AWAKENING災禍の目覚め ─序曲─ (The Awakening of Calamity: Prelude)
#14COLLAPSE都庁陥落 ─決して諦めない─ (The Fall of the Metropolitan Government Building: We never give up)15 July 2021
#15COUNTER STRIKEカウンターストライク ─再戦─ (Counter Strike: The battle again)
#16LAPLACE未来を切り開く、絆の弾丸 ─奇跡のレアスキル─ (A Bullet of Bonds to Open Up the Future: Miraculous rare skill)
#17EPILOGUEエピローグ ─おつかれさま─

Chapter 1.5

Shirayuri of the blue sky (蒼穹の白百合)

No.Episode TitleOriginal Title (Translation)ReleaseRemarks
#1CREEPING SHADOW忍び寄る影 ─激戦の爪痕─ (Creeping Shadow: Traces of the fierce battle)14 September 2021
#2FIGHT AS A LEADERリーダーとしての戦い ─同じ空の下─ (Fight as a Leader: Under the same sky)
#3STEP BY STEPステップ・バイ・ステップ ─手を取り合って─ (Step by Step: Hand in hand)

Chapter 2

Battle of Prelude (激戦のプレリュード)

No.Episode TitleOriginal Title (Translation)ReleaseRemarks
#1DISASTER異変 ─新たなる戦い─ (Disaster: A new battle)20 January 2022
#2CONFERENCE東京圏防衛構想会議 ─団結─ (Tokyo Area Defense Planning Conference: Unity)23 January 2022
#3BATTLE OF PRELUDE激戦のプレリュード ─これから─ (Battle of Prelude: From now on)26 January 2022

Valkyrie (双璧の戦乙女)

No.Episode TitleOriginal Title (Translation)ReleaseRemarks
#4RAID房総半島襲撃 ─共闘─ (The Raid on Bōsō Peninsula: Joint struggle)19 February 2022
#5REMATCH再戦 ─決着をつける─ (Rematch: Settling the battle)
#6VALKYRIE双璧の戦乙女 ─それぞれの戦い方─ (The Two Great Valkyries: Their respective ways of fighting)

Wings of the future (鋼鉄の意志、未来への翼)

No.Episode TitleOriginal Title (Translation)ReleaseRemarks
#7SPLITスプリット ─分裂する脅威─ (Split: The splitting threat)30 April 2022
#8UNDERGROUNDアンダーグラウンド ─地下決戦─ (Underground: The underground decisive battle)
#9WINGS OF THE FUTURE鋼鉄の意志、未来への翼 ─夢見た世界を─ (Will of Iron, Wings of the Future: The world we dreamed of)

The tie that binds (絆色のスフィアコネクト)

No.Episode TitleOriginal Title (Translation)ReleaseRemarks
#10CITY DEFENSE都内防衛 ─戦火の中─ (City Defense: In the midst of war)30 June 2022
#11DECISIVE BATTLE EVELEYE決戦、イビルアイ ─勝つために─ (Decisive Battle, Evileye: In order to win)
#12THE TIE THAT BINDS絆色のスフィアコネクト ─絆と想いをのせて─ (The Tie Colored Sphere Connect: Carrying bonds and thoughts)

Enigma of flame (灼熱のエニグマ)

No.Episode TitleOriginal TitleReleaseRemarks
#13UNPLEASANT SPECULATION不穏な思惑 ─見えざる魔の手─ (Disturbing Speculation: Unseen evil hand)31 July 2022
#14AMAZING INVATION驚異襲来 ─未知との遭遇─ (Amazing Invasion: Encounter with the unknown)
#15ENIGMA OF FLAME灼熱のエニグマ ─積み重ねてきたもの─ (Enigma of Flame: What we have accumulated)

New Chapter: Trinity of Destiny

Following the Chapter 2, a new chapter will unfold from January 2023, entitled Trinity of Destiny (運命のトリニティ). In the new chapter, the stories of each of the three gardens - Kamba, Herensuge and Yurigaoka - will be revealed in sequence.

<1> Kamba Arc, Part 1: Colorfuldays End (カラフルデイズ・エンド)

No.Episode TitleOriginal Title (Translation)ReleaseRemarks
#1REALIGNMENT再編! グラン・エプレ! (Realignment! Gran Eple!)31 January 2023
#2NEW MEMBER交流! 新メンバー! (Interaction! New members!)
#3RECALL THE PAST想いと過去と (Thoughts and the Past)
#4CURSE OF THE PAST船田予備隊の呪い (The Curse of the Funada Reserves)
#5FOOTPRINTSあしあと (Footprints)

This part, which was released on 31 January 2023, is a story linked to the stage play Assault Lily Odaiba Girls School - The Battle to Overcome - (アサルトリリィ御台場女学校 -The Battle to Overcome-), which will be performed at the same time.

Event Story

Event scenarios for a limited period of time.

These stories tend to be stand-alone scenarios that focus on a particular theme or characters.

Although it is labelled as an "Event", it often presents serious stories and important information related to the world development of Assault Lily, such as scenarios related to settings that were not recovered in the anime series. Basically, it consists of three to five episodes.


Event TitleOriginal TitleReleaseRemarks
Oath of Schutzengel守護天使の誓い20 January - 31 January 2021
Boosted Friendブーステッド・フレンド31 January - 10 February 2021
Rebellion of Skjaldmær叛逆のスキャルドメール10 - 19 February 2021
Colorful Dialyカラフル・ダイアリー19 - 28 February 2021
Noble Lily Reportノーブルリリィ・レポート28 February - 15 March 2021
Idol Lily Stageアイドルリリィ★ステージ21 - 31 March 2021
Stigma of the innocents罪なき少女たちのスティグマ31 March - 16 April 2021
The Legend of Kaede Johan Noubel新訳 カエーデ・J・伝説1 April -7 April 2021Joke event for April Fool's Day
Arsenal jealousyアーセナルジェラシー15 - 30 April 2021
Blue strike shot with our bonds朋友のブルーストライク30 April - 16 May 2021
Black knight & White princess knight漆黒の騎士と白の姫騎士16 May - 31 May 2021
Arsenalheart of Transcendence超越のアーセナルハート31 May - 18 June 2021
Lilytical ☆ Summer!!リリティカル☆サマー!!18 June - 1 August 2021
Midsummer Night's Escort真夏のエスコートナイト29 June - 1 August 2021
Ensemble of valkyrie歴戦乙女のアンサンブル20 July - 31 July 2021
The Flower of Reminiscence夜空に咲く追憶の花31 July - 15 August 2021
A prayer from the sky古き空より祈りをこめて11 August - 31 August 2021
Shirayuri of the blue sky蒼穹の白百合14 September - 29 September 2021
Rainbow-colored Halloween busters虹色ハロウィンバスターズ30 September - 11 October 2021
Tazusa in the Wonderlandふしぎの国のタヅサ11 October - 22 October 2021
My dear little sister凛然のリトル・シスター31 October - 11 November 2021
Agents into the night夜闇を駆けるエージェント11 November - 21 November 2021
Zehn Weltユリの花咲く場所 (Where the Yuri flower blooms)30 November - 13 December 2021Story about the deceased Yuri
Memory of liliesメモリー・オブ・リリィズ13 December - 26 December 2021
Song flower blooming on the battlefield戦場に咲く歌の花26 December 2021 - 10 January 2022Collaboration story with Symphogear
Lucky Girl comes to the gate to laugh招福万来のラッキーガール31 December 2021 - 13 January 2022


Event TitleOriginal TitleReleaseRemarks
Goodbye isn't right now慟哭のクリューサーオール (Chrȳsāōr of Lamentation)31 January 2022 - 10 February 2022
Maid in schildメイド・イン・シルト10 February - 19 February 2022
Messenger of the Beautiful World美しき世界のメッセンジャー28 February - 12 March 2022
Ordermaid sistersオーダーメイドシスターズ12 March - 24 March 2022
Sleepless Night's Murderous Intent眠れぬ夜の殺意1 April - 7 April 2022Authentic mystery ADV, Joke event for April Fool's Day
True Heartまごころを留めて15 - 27 April 2022
Corrosion Nightmare悪蝕のナイトメア19 May - 31 May 2022
Mentor the Lilyメンター・ザ・リリィ31 May - 14 June 2022
Fes! Fes! Lily the Idolフェス!フェス!アイドルリリィ17 June - 30 June 2022
Adrift In The Oceanリリィティック漂流記20 July - 31 July 2022
Special Event: One copy of the new book, please!?新刊1部ください!?6 August - 21 August 2022
Fantastic coupleふたりの魂祭り17 August - 31 August 2022
Life Long Friendライフロングフレンド31 August - 13 September 2022
Hervarar and Cuelebre竜楯のコンフリクト16 September 30 September 2022
Everyone's tea gardenすれ違いのティーガーデン30 September - 13 October 2022
Trick or sweetsトリック・オア・スイーツ13 October - 31 October 2022
Lily's & panzerリリィズ&パンツァー31 October - 14 November 2022Collaboration story with Girls und Panzer
Affection of sisters憂い晴らすは姉妹の絆10 November - 19 November 2022
Lunatic terzet凍て空の流星 ―狂乱の三重奏―19 - 30 November 2022
Holy Night Surprise聖夜へ捧ぐサプライズ30 November - 11 December 2022
Linker's melody凍て空の流星 ―輝きを繋ぐ旋律―11 December - 22 December 2022
Sisters Calamityシスターズ・カラミティ22 December 2022 - 15 January 2023Collaboration story with Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
Sisters Calamity 2wei!シスターズ・カラミティⅡ(ツヴァイ!)25 December 2022 - 15 January 2023Collaboration story with Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
New Chapter Pre-Story - Haruna Yokota新章プレストーリー 横田悠夏編27 December 2022 -
Beginning of the year年始めに想い重ねて (Overlapping Thoughts at the Beginning of the Year)31 December 2022 - 10 January 2023


Event TitleOriginal TitleReleaseRemarks
New Chapter Pre-Story - Akehi Homma新章プレストーリー 本間秋日編3 January 2023 -
Raise the sword凍て空の流星 ―雪風に劔を掲げて―10 January - 20 January 2023
2nd Anniversary Special Story: PokaPoka no Utage2周年SP ~ぽかぽかの宴~15 January 2023 -
2nd Anniversary花々舞う大宴会 (The Great Banquet with Dancing Flowers)20 January -
New Chapter Pre-Story - Haruna Yokota & Akehi Homma新章プレストーリー 横田悠夏&本間秋日編27 January 2023 -
2nd Anniversary Special Story: DokiDoki no Utage2周年SP ~どきどきの宴~19 January 2023 -
2nd Anniversary Special Story: AmaAma no Utage2周年SP ~あまあまの宴~7 February 2023 -

Memoria Story

Stories that can be unlocked by acquiring certain ☆5 Memoria cards.

Only the first half of the scenario can be previewed immediately after obtaining the card, but by upgrading the Memoria card you can read the story to the very end.

Some Memoria are linked to the event story, in which case the scenario begins after a warning that it touches on the heart of the event.

Legion Story

Story about each Legion.

Currently, up to five or six stories have been implemented for each of the Team Hitotsuyanagi , Hervarar and Gran Eple. The Legion story for Team Hitotsuyanagi is a restructured version of the anime series' story in smartphone-app format, with many scenes from the anime used in the story.

For the latter two, the events "Skjaldmær of Rebellion" and "Colourful Diary", which are themed around their respective formations, have been added as Legion stories.

Self-introduction Story

Stories in which the characters introduce themselves in the form of interviews.

You can watch the self-introduction story of the first character you select in the tutorial, and can also watch the stories of all characters from the Lily Profile section in the game.

In addition to mere self-introductions, characters may also appear as close friends to the character in the story (e.g. Yuyu and Kaede in Riri's story, Shenlin and Yujia in each other's self-introduction stories, Kanaho and Takane in both stories, etc.).


Playable Characters

Yurigaoka Girls Academy

  • LG: Hitotsuyanagi (一柳隊)

Riri Hitotsuyanagi (一柳梨璃)

Yuyu Shirai (白井夢結)

Kaede Johan Nouvel (楓・J・ヌーベル)

Fumi Futagawa (二川二水)

Tazusa Andō (安藤鶴紗)

Mai Thi Yoshimura (吉村・Thi・梅)

Shenlin Kuo (郭 神琳)

Yujia Wang (王 雨嘉)

Miliam Hildegard von Gropius (ミリアム・ヒルデガルド・V・グロピウス)

Yuri Hitotsuyanagi (一柳結梨)

Soraha Amano (天野天葉)

Ena Banshōya (番匠谷依奈)

Araya Endō (遠藤亜羅椰)

Ichi Tanaka (田中壱)

Kusumi Egawa (江川樟美)

Misora Kanabako (金箱弥宙)

Akane Watanabe (渡邉茜)

Tsukushi Takasuga (高須賀月詩)

Tatsuki Mori (森辰姫)

  • LG: unaffiliated

Moyu Mashima (真島百由)

  • LG: Reginleif

Shiori Rokkaku (六角汐里)

  • LG: Shinshi-tai

Matsuri Hata (秦祀)

  • LG: Schwartz Grail

Shizu Itō (伊東閑)

  • LG: Lohengrin

Sayu Tachihara (立原紗癒)

Kamba Girls High School of Arts

  • LG: Gran Eple

Kanaho Kon (今叶星)

Takane Miyagawa (宮川高嶺)

Kureha Toki (土岐紅巴)

Akari Tamba (丹羽灯莉)

Himeka Sadamori (定盛姫歌)

  • LG: Student Council Defence Team (生徒会防衛隊)

Akehi Homma (本間秋日)

A second-year student who is the student council president of Kamba Girls High.

Haruna Yokota (横田悠夏)

A first-year student belonging to the student council, and Takane's cousin.

Ludovico Girls Academy

  • LG: Ironside

・Raimu Lucia Kishimoto (岸本・ルチア・来夢)

・Sachie Jeanne Fukuyama (福山・ジャンヌ・幸恵)

・Yuria Francisca Kuroki (黒木・フランシスカ・百合亜)

・Seren Sophia Amamiya (天宮・ソフィア・聖恋)

・Kayo Brigitta Matsunaga (松永・ブリジッタ・佳世)

Other Gardens

Lifen Wang (王 莉芬)

A Lily from the Heimskringla Trädgård Middle School in Europe. Younger sister of Yujia Wang.

NPC, Other Characters

・Hiromi Abiko (安孫子比呂美)

A Lily in Kamba Girls High. 3rd year music student.

・Miaki Michikawa (道川深顯)

Captain of the Sielulintu Girls Garden Madec Unit "Schwarzes Kreuz Madec Corps".

・Nanami Katahira (片平七海)

A schoolgirl who lost her family due to the Huge.

・Fuuka Matsumura (松村優珂)

Captain of the Legion "Cuélebre" belonging to the Herensuge Girls Academy. Ranked second in the hierarchy.

・Mitake Makino (牧野美岳)

A Lily of the "Cuélebre".

・Noemi Nishimura (西村乃恵美)

Newly appointed head teacher at Herensuge Girls Academy, who supports Hervor.

・Yakumo Takashima (高島八雲)

The headmistress of Herensuge Girls Academy, who supports Cuélebre.

・Tomoyo Mary Nakahara (中原・メアリィ・倫夜)

Former Resident School Doctor at Odaiba Girls School.

・Suzume Shiozaki (塩崎鈴夢)

Member of Kamba's student council.

・Fujino Ishizuka (石塚藤乃)

Member of Kamba's student council.


The listener in each character's self-introduction story, which is conducted in the form of an interview.

Although there is no standing picture or dialogue, she is referred to as "she" or "pretty girl" and various descriptions suggest that she is a girl of the same age as the characters (perhaps a reporter for a student newspaper like Fumi).

She does not appear or mention anything other than in the self-introduction story.

In Pixiv

In pixiv's tagging system, it is often used for works related to the game and for illustrations and novels of characters from the three schools that appear in the game's main storyline, Yurigaoka Girls Academy, Herensuge Girls Academy and Kamba Girls High School of Arts.

Related Videos


External Links

Official Website


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Assault Lily Last Bullet
Assault Lily Last Bullet