すべて見るAndroid 21 and preyteen (vore)
So I got dragon ball fighterZ and oh boy did toriyama give me ammunition for vore with absolute vore waifu android 21. Naturally after beating it I already had ideas for her, it was never a matter of if but when with her and the when is now. I really didn't like majin 21's outfit, it's just too buu for me so I decided to combine her normal appearance and her majin form for her clothing while also creating a diffrent ending for her14,611文字pixiv小説作品DBZ Krillin b(eats) android 21 (vore)
my newest story. Seeing a recent picture of Krillin eating 18 to protect her from cell just triggered my brain into action and partially broke me of my burnout. This took a bit longer to write than I had planned, but it was still a blast and I really enjoyed getting to write 21 this way. If you ever want to support me, you can do so here. This is purely for donations. There are no paywall items or locks. This is purely if you want to. there will also be nothing on the page because coffee is SFW site and will torch anything I upload) However if you want to talk to me or keep up to date with stuff. Try my discord,333文字pixiv小説作品Dragon ball Xenoverse-21 finds a demon
So this was inspired by the fact that Towa just gets completely shafted in the end of Xenoverse 2. She's not given much personality, motive and her death is just embarrassing and insulting with the ending instead veering toward the boring as hell Mira. SOOOOO, I decided to give her a different ending. I may end up writing a second part to this in the future as this was originally going to be much longer I decided to go with 21 finding Towa as I feel like they're a perfect pair as both are rare female villains, tied to androids and scientists. So I can't help but ship them.39,645文字pixiv小説作品