すべて見る- Lost Lights City. (English)
LLC April 28, Monday
Why is it that the better a memory is, the worse?6,946文字pixiv小説作品 Comedic Act
Just a pointless comedic act, no further intentions, just a bit of literary rehab. ただの軽い茶番です。1,757文字pixiv小説作品La más fuerte
Escrito desde el punto de vista de Cirno en donde ella trata de dar a entender a todos en Gensokyo lo fuerte que es ella. *Este pequeño escrito fue presentado en el evento de Gensokyo Talent Festival, en caso de que lo quieran ver: **También pueden leer este pequeño escrito en Google Drive:文字pixiv小説作品- 東方Project二次創作"何でも屋「白露」"
人里から少し離れた場所に少し変わった店がある。 最近来たと言う。噂では外の世界から来たと言われる六人が経営している。何でも屋があると言う。その名も"何でも屋「白露」"雑貨品を売り、時に特殊な物を売り。時に用心棒や店番。護衛もすると言う摩訶不思議な六人が。 壱番。長女の「白露」[しらつゆ] 弐番。長男の「時雨」[しぐれ] 参番。次男の「村雨」[むらさめ] 肆番。次女の「夕立」[ゆうだち] 伍番。三女の「春雨」[はるさめ] 陸番。四女の「五月雨」[さみだれ] 六人は自分達の事を白露家と呼び。仲睦まじく過ごしているとは言い難く、用心棒や護衛を生業にしている以上。怪異や異変に巻き込まれていく。 東方Projectの幻想郷が舞台の二次創作です。1,809文字pixiv小説作品 La floja del tiempo y espacio - avance
El proyecto Touhou es propiedad del Team Shanghai Alice (Zun). Este avance fue hecho para presentarse en la “BBEX Festival International 2023”. Se hará un directo en YouTube, el cuál podrás verlo aquí: También pueden leer este avance desde este enlace de Google Drive si así lo desean: Nota: Este trabajo puede tener ciertos elementos que desentonen con el canon oficial del Proyecto Touhou además de haber tomado ciertas libertades creativas para la ambientación, tono de la obra y personalidad de los personajes. Así que si no tienes problema con lo anteriormente mencionado puedes continuar y disfrutar de la lectura.27,840文字pixiv小説作品Looking for Mike Gotokuji’s figure in Akihabara
Since I'm Japanese, sometimes you will find my English is strange and bad. Let me apologize you. I haven't finished writing a whole sentences, but the story is about me looking for my waifu's figure at Akihabara. Can I successfully buy her figure???? Check this novel out to see a result.1,156文字pixiv小説作品- Lost Lights City. (English)
LLC Illusionary World VII
Bounded Field "Counterbalance of Prograde and Retrograde"1,376文字pixiv小説作品 that girl
this is a my Touhou project story translating an Japanese into English. I guess it takes a long time for all story translate. let me please I write this so slowly slowly pace. and I guess I`ll make some mistakes cause I can`t translate into English better. have a nice time. thanks. Japanese original Ver→ 以前書いた「人間」の英訳をはじめました。超スローペースで更新。日本語版はリンクのほうをどうぞ2,571文字pixiv小説作品- Lost Lights City. (English)
Lost Lights City. - Settings
My plans are to have CLANNAD collaborate with the Touhou titles in writing...quite a senseless challenge. However, since the level of obsession by the author, yours truly, is needlessly detailed, I decided to wrap up the information that I would like the readers to have as knowledge beforehand. I am fully aware that this will be long and thus I will infuse all efforts to not hurl this project, so please relax and be patient and also supportive if possible. Since this is a linear novel and hence lacks choices, I will write this with the so-called "true ending route" in mind. Hopefully I can get this up in DNML format someday! Another note: due to the preferences of yours truly, Japanese names will be written in Japanese order.1,507文字pixiv小説作品 - Lost Lights City. (English)
LLC April 29, Tuesday
If cherry petals don't fall, are they deemed not beautiful?4,924文字pixiv小説作品 With a Touch of Stardust
If things were to unfold from the other side, how would the first contact turn out? I couldn't think of a better way to tell this, but I think it came out all right. Happy birthday ya Sonic fool!5,588文字pixiv小説作品Silent Gensokyou
A short prologue to a crossover fanfiction I started about Silent Hill and Touhou Project. I never went any further with it, but I wrote it a long while ago and just now felt like sharing it.3,137文字pixiv小説作品- Lost Lights City. (English)
LLC - April 27, Sunday
How relieving it must be to fade out after a bad end.477文字pixiv小説作品 [RPG制作]大狸子的小铺子
this is a gamedesign project by a chinese touhou fans club, we are welcome and wait u join. The concept is Mamizou open a store in gansokyo1,026文字pixiv小説作品- Lost Lights City. (English)
LLC April 30, Wednesday
When a person loses what kept them afoot, what do they feel? The cover was provided by one of our very own Insider Elite Four aka Sakaki ( . It's going to be two months since it was posted, and I finally got around to using it...awesome it is!21,462文字pixiv小説作品