すべて見るA great news!
The growth drive continue next month! The sinopsis; Wesker wait to experiment impatiently his new virus with Caulifla, Yor, Mordred and Hinata the result will be ripped and monsterous! The result? It's at you to choose! And in bonus because of the pause the first post/return of the growth drive will be not twice but four time. Each tiers will be at four time ( for the first post of the return of the growth drive only ): Thanks you= 20 kg ( The post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/growth-drive-104170738 ) Thanks you + = 32 kg ( For the post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/growth-drive-104170739 ) Big Bonus = 40 kg ( For the post; https://www.patreon.com/posts/growth-drive-104170741 ) Big Bonus += 60 kg ( For the post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/growth-drive-104178757 ) Pin-up Comission= 140 kg ( For the post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/growth-drive-104196502 ) Comics Comission= 320 kg ( For the post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/growth-drive-104196291 ). ( Per vote ) And with a twist= This time the option mutation is added! If you want to send by paypal: rocklogis8@gmail.com Remember each dollars can make all the difference.1,162文字pixiv小説作品- 筋肉肥大化妄想短編集
バキュロウィルス〜ヒト感染亜種 接触•摂取増殖型〜
「バキュロウィルス」 通常は昆虫、特に毛虫に感染し、蛹になる前に感染した身体をドロッドロに溶かして、それをまた別の幼虫が摂取して感染するというサイクルで増殖するウィルスです。 コレがもしヒトだったら••??? 今回は 「筋肉で異常増殖する」 「異常な程筋肉がつき、背もバツグンに高くなる」 「最終的に巨根から噴水のように噴出して近くにいる人たちに大量に浴びてしまう」11,152文字pixiv小説作品