すべて見る- The mini-stories of my OCs
The mini-stories of Eiael
These are 13 mini-stories about my OC Eiael Note that the mini-stories are semi-canon to each other. They're still very good reads though.60,737文字pixiv小説作品 ちっぱい彼女限定診察室
巨乳台本に伴い、ちっぱいも書いてみました。医師カップル台本になりました。一風変わった責め方をしたい方よろしければご覧下さいませ。 いいね、スキ、ブクマ、フォロー、いつも励みになります。ありがとうございます。 ご意見ご感想等、アレンジご相談はtwitterのDMなどで承ります。 ご利用頂いた場合、メンションか何らかのご連絡いただけますと気付きやすいのでよろしくお願いいたします。1,302文字pixiv小説作品- The mini-stories of my OCs
The mini-stories of Sakura Shiraki
These are 13 mini-stories about my OC Sakura Shiraki Note that the mini-stories are semi-canon to each other. They're still very good reads though.56,128文字pixiv小説作品 - AI OC short stories
AI OC short stories part 3
This is part 3 of the short stories about my AI characters. These are 13 more short stories about my AI characters. Also, note that none of them are canon to where I would portray them, they are still good reads though.24,927文字pixiv小説作品 - AI OC short stories
AI OC short stories part 4
This is part 4 of the short stories about my AI characters. These are 13 more short stories about my AI characters. Also, note that none of them are canon to where I would portray them, they are still good reads though.22,820文字pixiv小説作品 - 生きるって、めんどくさい。【オムニバス人間ドラマ】
「大丈夫? おっぱい揉む?」って美人お姉さんに言われたい
★あらすじ:卑屈なヒロインは彼女にイチャイチャしたいと伝えられなくて……!? ★/Twitter企画『深夜の真剣物書き120分一本勝負』への参加作品です/三題噺《コウモリ,企業,単発》/12月6日、若干の加筆修正を行いました。5,103文字pixiv小説作品 - The mini-stories of my OCs
The mini-stories of Amber Todd
These are 13 mini-stories about my OC Amber Todd Note that the mini-stories are semi-canon to each other. They're still very good reads though.51,762文字pixiv小説作品 - The mini-stories of my OCs
The mini-stories of Hazel Brown
These are 13 mini-stories about my OC Hazel Brown Note that the mini-stories are semi-canon to each other. They're still very good reads though.56,563文字pixiv小説作品 - The mini-stories of my OCs
The mini-stories of Turnip Quickvale
These are 13 mini-stories about my OC Turnip Quickvale Note that the mini-stories are semi-canon to each other. They're still very good reads though.55,205文字pixiv小説作品 あかねがお泊まりにキタ━(゜∀゜)━!![R-15]