すべて見る- Sine Culpa
Sine Culpa
What is a Sin? A Sin is a collective taboo, some idea that societies deem to be against the general survival of them all. Perhaps they would simply harm themselves, causing simple damage that could easily be forgotten. More likely, they could cause damage to those around them, a slow effect that topples the world in time. What is it to be Without Sin? It is to be pure, free of any taint, and to be above all else. It is to be perfect, in the eyes of the world they are in, to be the kind of thing that people strive to be so that they may live in a better world as well. How does one be Without Sin? To be Without Sin is an active process, not just avoiding Sins, but to seek out and destroy them when possible. It is to help everyone combat Sins, without becoming an idol, something that is worshiped by those you save, and ultimately, a Sin unto themselves. It is to never be thanked for work that without which, all things would simply fall into Sin. That is the curse of being Sine Culpa. ******** Sine Culpa is a sort of reinvention of an old idea I had called "Crimson Sin Hunter". I would link it here, especially since I did leave it up, but I'm not too happy with how it turned out in retrospect, and mainly have it there for anyone curious to read something I now consider bad. There are definitely characters and ideas that are still going to be used from that, but they are being redefined slightly. Either way, I hope you all enjoy reading this as it comes out.4,845文字pixiv小説作品 - Sine Culpa
Praeter Quod Avara P5
Heed well all Those Without Sin! Know that thou will face many false prophets along the way, many Lairs, many who claim to be Without Sin who live only to take everything from you. They often take the form of most of the others whom are Without Sin, serving only to do whatever is possible to drag you down to a level below even the lowest of Those With Sin. They are to be treated without mercy. You are to find these Liars, those false prophets who claim to be Without Sin, before they attempt to drag all other down to Sin. Do not listen to the words of those Liars, for there is no truth to be found in anything other than the words of the Vestal Queen. This is the third Law of the Sine Culpa, declares the Vestal Queen. ******** Well, I'm feeling better now, even if my body refuses to admit it, but a steady diet of spicy foods at least mean that I haven't been having any issues when it comes to actually breathing. So, here's hoping that everyone else isn't having health issues that are too serious now.4,702文字pixiv小説作品 - Sine Culpa
Ne Dederis Eis P1
Heed well all Those Without Sin! There will be many times in the life of Those Without Sin when they find themselves in conflict with others. This is to be normal, as Those Without Sin and Those Of Sin shall always be drawn into conflict by thine nature. You are to face them with full fury, and suffer any of their abuses shall it mean victory. However, one is not to cause suffering to another as yourself. Those Without Sin who are true to their role shall have no need of conflict with others of our kind. Suffer not those whom claim to be Without Sin, and are Of Sin themselves, for those are the only ones whom shall strike a blow upon us. Be kind to your fellows in arms, lest they feel temptations towards that sin. This is the second Law of the Sine Culpa, declares the Vestal Queen. ******** I've had the same class canceled two times in a row...I'm kind of worried about the teacher now. Beyond that small it of news, I hope you are able to enjoy this new part, and feel free to check out the rest of the series as well, if you do like it.4,090文字pixiv小説作品 - Sine Culpa
Sine Culpa P7
What is a Sin? A Sin is a collective taboo, some idea that societies deem to be against the general survival of them all. Perhaps they would simply harm themselves, causing simple damage that could easily be forgotten. More likely, they could cause damage to those around them, a slow effect that topples the world in time. What is it to be Without Sin? It is to be pure, free of any taint, and to be above all else. It is to be perfect, in the eyes of the world they are in, to be the kind of thing that people strive to be so that they may live in a better world as well. How does one be Without Sin? To be Without Sin is an active process, not just avoiding Sins, but to seek out and destroy them when possible. It is to help everyone combat Sins, without becoming an idol, something that is worshiped by those you save, and ultimately, a Sin unto themselves. It is to never be thanked for work that without which, all things would simply fall into Sin. That is the curse of being Sine Culpa. ******** Sorry about not posting this many times last week, it really did kind of get away from me. No matter what, I hope you all enjoy how this is going so far, even if it isn't exactly the best.3,850文字pixiv小説作品 無翼のミュールと癒種の薬師
ミュールという、美しい外見をし、見る者を魅了する宝石のような瞳、そして魔性を帯びた声を持つと言われる種族がある。 心無い者に傷つけられたミュールを癒すために呼ばれた薬師は、頑なに治療を固辞する彼の後悔を聴く。 その身を癒すために。9,713文字pixiv小説作品快楽の罪
快楽によってもたらされた人間は、それに翻弄され、支配されるのだ。 2024年4月2日 投稿 ひとり読み・朗読用台本 性別不問 所要時間 5分程度 〖利用規約〗 こちらの作品は著作権を放棄しておりません。作者に帰属します。 配信アプリ、ディスコード、ツイキャスでのご使用にあたっては使用報告の連絡は不要です。尚、ご使用の際には必ず「作品タイトル・作者名・サイトのURLの記載」をお願い致します(XのIDは任意です)。 *商用利用(YouTube(収益の有無にかかわらず)、配信チケットや朗読会等で料金の発生するもの)につきましては必ずXのDM等にて連絡の上ご相談ください。 *動画を作成して使用する場合(YouTube・その他媒体等全て)は、文章を動画に掲載することはおやめください。 *転載等は禁止させていただきます。また、ご使用の際はそれぞれの配信アプリ、サイトの規定を外れないよう、くれぐれもご注意ください。こちらの責は負いかねます。 *自作発言はおやめください。 *冷やかしやふざけての上演があった場合はアーカイブ等の削除を求めることがございます。 以上をお守りいただいた上で皆様に楽しんでいただけたら何よりでございます。 何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。823文字pixiv小説作品sample告白・何故に、我らは滅び彼女は生き残ったか
告白というか、過去の罪、過去の真実の告白と例えました。 sampleCotG8・戦神が嫌いなモノ sampleBB2・神在り月の翁 が関連する話です。2,288文字pixiv小説作品