
目次 [非表示]


With a terrorist sense of fear By を causing it; of the identification politics A mark purpose achievement I say the person whom the organized violence uses to do it or a group.

politician ・ officer Even if there is a person attacking a person and a private citizen aiming at などの very important person indiscriminately, but does it in whichever peace Is people destroying と order; the terrorism crime It is placed と. But is recognition of the terrorist person in question; partisan , resistance There is not the などとたいした change.

Generally, animated cartooncomics When I appear to the といった creation, it is clear evil It is often found として to be defined, but in the wide sense French Revolution Of the における people and late Tokugawa period when rose to action revolution patriot If people treated as a hero see it at the point of view of Establishmentarians at the time in the のように coming ages, it is a terrorist.

In addition, the organized ironhanded police act by Establishmentarians may be counted among terrorism; in this case white terror & is called.

With an actual terrorist terrorism Organization編集

* Terrorist編集

Adolf Hitler Hitler


Izo Okada

Gensai Kawakami

Shusuke Nomura

Yukio Mishima

Yasue root

Osama bin Laden

Kim Ku



* Terrorist organization編集

al Qaeda Taliban Hezbollah Hamas Islamic nation ボコ Hallam

  • Communism system terrorist organization

Russian communist Communist Party of the Soviet Union Khmer Rouge

(Pol Pot group) Sendero Luminoso

  • The system radicals of the nationalism

Irish Republican Army]] ([[IRA)

  • The pro-environmental protection radicals (Eco terrorist)

sea shepherd

  • The religion system radicals

Aum Shinrikyo

  • The radicals of Japanese right wing line

blood faith group

  • The radicals of Japanese left line

member of the Japan Red Army Rengo Sekigun racist をしばき corps [[Core Sect of the Japan Marxist Students' Union Revolutionary Marxist

  • Others

red report corps http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%B5%A4%E5%A0%B1%E9%9A%8A%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6 (missing the substance of the organization)

Aerial terrorist, terrorist organization編集




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Tag concerned編集

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