すべて見る- Futaba's Unveiling
Futaba's Unveiling - Chapter 16
It's finally done! ...Almost. I will be adding a brief epilogue chapter, but other than that, Futaba's Unveiling has finally reached its long-awaited climax! The following videos were chosen as inspirations for the girls' performances, minus Futaba and the group routine. Ann: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUKI8eYCIMo Honoka: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DddI8Hu3xI Ayame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByPenTwKSeo Yuki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngYPWpAAEnA Atsuko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG4G6IQjn1o Some inspiration for the question-and-answer session came from the National Geographic Explorer documentary episode "Cairo Unveiled", and the following article describing and discussing it: http://thebestofhabibi.com/volume-12-number-1/%E2%80%9Ccairo-unveiled%E2%80%9D/ Special thanks to mayorlight for bringing it to my attention as well as his own fanfictions inspiring the tone of Futaba's Unveiling, and of course to IncredibleIntruder for providing editing assistance for every chapter [both on dA]. Characters from Persona 5 TM & (c)2016 Atlus Text (c)2020 SpyHunter29 / IncredibleIntruder31,939文字pixiv小説作品 - Futaba's Unveiling
Futaba's Unveiling - Chapter 4
NB: To Pixiv users, this story is available in English only. Pixivユーザーには、この記事は英語でしかご覧になれます。 Before I get too far, I'd like to point out that I've been sending my chapters to IncredibleIntruder [on dA] to preview before release. He's given me good praise and pointers so far, but this chapter was different. It briefly deals with the sexual abuse Ann Takamaki had to deal with in her backstory, which I wanted to handle with care. I showed him a few drafts, but in the end he suggested a different paragraph altogether, which wasn't quite so direct as I had written before. I wound up using it, and I think it's for the best. Characters from Persona 5 TM & (c)2016 Atlus Text (c)2019 SpyHunter29 / IncredibleIntruder9,236文字pixiv小説作品 - Futaba's Unveiling
Futaba's Unveiling - Chapter 1
NB: To Pixiv users, this story is available in English only. Pixivユーザーには、この記事は英語でしかご覧になれます。 NB: This story contains spoilers for Persona 5. If you have not yet played through at least the the in-game dates listed at the top of each chapter, including the fourth Palace, please reconsider reading this story until you have done so. Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce the release of my first fanfiction in over a year! (I checked - the final chapter of the Totally Spies! fanfic "My Bendy BFF" was published on 6 February 2009.) This time around, it's a fanfic based on my new obsession, Persona 5. It stars Futaba Sakura as she practises a hobby which has kept her sane since the loss of her mother, and that hobby is... belly dance. I've been inspired by users like IncredibleIntruder and mayorlight [on dA], who have written about similar topics. It will take place in the middle of the game's story, starting in between the fourth and fifth Palaces, so if you have not yet played (or watched Let's Plays of) the game up to that point, please be aware of spoilers. I wish to note that I do not actually practise belly dance myself. My descriptions are based on the writings of the aforementioned users, whom to their credit are really descriptive in their own writings. If at any point it seems like I'm simply talking out of my arse, I will listen to any honest criticism with open ears... eyes. As for comments relating to this specific chapter, the "genie girl" game mentioned in the story is meant to be Shantae. I chose not to mention it by name to be cute about it, and so as not to cause as much of a fourth-wall shock, bringing in another IP into the Personaverse. The song Futaba dances to is from Scuttle Town and/or Scuttle Town's dance hall. Here's a YouTube copy of the GBC version (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEHyGZarpnQ) and the version from Pirate's Curse (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A3ynSg-mV8). Even better, professional belly dancer Charlotte Louise has performed her own routine to this song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oCGaJ-IX5s), so check that out, too! Character from Persona 5 TM & (c)2016 Atlus Text (c)2019 SpyHunter2911,962文字pixiv小説作品 ハイグレでお金稼ぎ(即死チート)
リクエストありがとうございます! 今回はアニメの即死チートでしたが、知千佳はスタイルはいいけど言動が色々残念な残念美人ですねww そしてそんな残念美人にピッタリなイメージであるハイグレで見世物扱いとは、本当に残念なくらいについてないですねww でも、そんな彼女でもやはり存在がエッチですから、セクシー面に関しては大成功でしたね❤5,045文字pixiv小説作品- おねショタカルデアが世界を救う!
おねショタFGOです! 今回はショタマスターが一泊で、女性マスターのカルデアに遊びに行くお話です! 今回は、ショタマスターと男性サーヴァント、子供達のサーヴァント達と様々な事をやります! 特にベリーダンスの辺りでは、ドゥリーヨダナとビーマのベリーダンス対決に巻き込まれる宮本伊織とヤマトタケルだったり、ケイローンがショタマスターと子供達のサーヴァント達に、聖杯戦争の歴史(一部では、オリジナル設定もあります!)を学ぶお話もあります! また、今年の夏のウマ娘の大レースの予想も始まります!(新たなウマ娘の「シーザリオ」の名前も出ます!) 男性サーヴァント達はどんなウマ娘を応援するかも、お楽しみに! さて、次回はおねショタウマ娘で、ショタトレーナーとナイスネイチャのお話です!(全年齢です!) 次回は新たなウマ娘の「シーザリオ」も登場します! お楽しみに!5,429文字pixiv小説作品 リコがベリーダンス衣装で踊るだけの動画生配信
この小説は、 リコがベリーダンスをやるだけの作品です。 ベリーダンスが好きな人も居るでしょうし、この小説を書きました。 この小説を気に入ってくれれば幸いです。 18歳未満の方はこの小説を読む事を禁じます。もし見てしまっても構いませんので、 そのつもりでお楽しみください。1,872文字pixiv小説作品- Futaba's Unveiling
Futaba's Unveiling - Chapter 3
NB: To Pixiv users, this story is available in English only. Pixivユーザーには、この記事は英語でしかご覧になれます。 In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character, the belly dance instructor whom Futaba may be taking classes from in the future. Feeling rather uninspired, I named her Maiko, which can be written in Japanese to mean "dance girl". I have yet to come up with a proper design for her, but I see her as a cross between Ms. Kawakami, Ms. Chouno, Suhaila Salimpour, a professional belly dance instructor and performer from Berkeley, CA. (Thanks to @mayorlightfor letting me know about her.) And I've spilled the beans about which of the other Phantom Thieves shares in Futaba's baladi hobby, so read and see...! Characters from Persona 5 TM & (c)2016 Atlus Text (c)2019 @SpyHunter2911,693文字pixiv小説作品 - 一緒にプリティーダービーへ!ショタトレーナーとウマ娘の絆!
おねショタウマ娘です! 今回はショタトレーナーが審査員となって、ウマ娘達が踊り子のコスチュームを身に纏い、妖艶かつ、可愛らしく踊ります! さて、どのウマ娘が優勝するのか? モブウマ娘達も見守ります! 是非ともお楽しみ下さい! 番外編として、アットホーム鎮守府のトレセン学園の回も投稿します! こちらもお楽しみに! 次回はおねショタFGOか、おねショタポケモンにて、ショタとゼイユのお話かのどちらかになります! お楽しみに!16,359文字pixiv小説作品 - おねショタカルデアが世界を救う!
おねショタFGOです! 今回は、ショタマスターのカルデアに、たくさんのキャラが来て、(他には、ブリテン特異点の王であるケルヌンノスも外で眺めます!)出し物をします! サーヴァント達の出し物、また、キャラの出し物もありますので、お楽しみに! キャラは、「鬼滅の刃」、「進撃の巨人」、「呪術徊戦」、「ジョジョ~ストーンオーシャン」から、「空条徐倫」等が登場します! お笑いもありますので、お楽しみに! 次回はおねショタプリコネで、ショタ騎士君とお姉ちゃん、ママ達(ネネカ、クレジッタ、ホマレもショタ騎士君とエッチします!)のエッチ回です!(18禁です!ご注意下さい!) お楽しみに!3,451文字pixiv小説作品 - Futaba's Unveiling
Futaba's Unveiling - Chapter 5
Sorry for the delay; I originally had a completely different plan for this chapter, one that I felt didn't advance the plot nearly enough. In its place, I got us closer to Futaba & Ann's first belly dance lesson! Plus, I finally came up with a full name for Maiko-sensei! She is now named after Yasunori Kawabata, author of the novel The Dancing Girl of Izu (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dancing_Girl_of_Izu). The book does indeed involve a dancer or two, albeit not the same kind as Maiko-sensei. Characters from Persona 5 TM & (c)2016 Atlus Text (c)2019 SpyHunter29 / IncredibleIntruder11,211文字pixiv小説作品 - Futaba's Unveiling
Futaba's Unveiling - Chapter 15
I have an announcement, perhaps a confession, to make. Concurrent with me restarting Futaba's Unveiling, I have tried out some bellydance tutorials myself. I don't expect to go far with it, beyond using it as an exercise programme, but it's actually been quite fun as well. And to boot, the first-hand experience has been valuable in writing about this stuff. I may even have to go back to previous chapters for some factual updates. But first, I've got a recital to write, and it's shaping up to be a very long chapter. Characters from Persona 5 TM & (c)2016 Atlus Text (c)2020 SpyHunter29 / IncredibleIntruder22,344文字pixiv小説作品 - 二人だけのフォークロア
二人だけのフォークロア 前編
状態変化小説ですが、1.と2.には状態変化描写はございません。 状態変化描写だけ読まれたい方は、その部分は読み飛ばしても一応大丈夫なように書いてはいます。 思えば、この作品の構想を練っていたのは、流行り病よりも前の時期でした。 その時は、まさか世界がこんな事になるなんて想像もできませんでしたが……。 なお、参考書籍、及び歌詞の引用元については、後編にまとめて記載します。 そして、言うまでもありませんが、この話の内容は全て作者が自分で創作したフィクションです。14,262文字pixiv小説作品