- MARVELのキャラクター「Werewolf by Night」⇒主人公を務めるドラマのタイトル「ウェアウルフ・バイ・ナイト」を参照。
近代の創作、特にゲーム等においては人狼以外にも様々な獣人が登場し、『were ****』といえば『****に変身する獣人』を意味する。
すべて見る- HeiseiEra Werewolf PictureScroll
1-①The wolf called a partner-dog
This's_only_too_the_introduction_of_the_strange_combo's_story_in_the_contemporary_Japanese_naughty_occult_comedy. In the left cover picture, the left side youngster is the 18-year-old japanese named Sho. The right side character is the special wolf named Sougetsu. "Guushi" is the pair of a exorcist & a wolf. OOKE Sho, the accompanist of the MAGAMI clan that have lived together with wolves through generations of ancestors, and Sougetsu as his partner-dog aim to be it. Before the serious hard training, Sho who has just graduated from high school, is concerned about a problem... hope you enjoy it. 日本語版/Japanese version→http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=317896825,127文字pixiv小説作品 - 与兽同行
更新慢了,非常抱歉 不过也是有正当原因的,因为在和闺蜜筹划VN的事,目前她已经给我画好了立绘草稿,等到立绘成品出来后,本小说的楔子和第一章就能做成VN了,到时候就可以看到白影老公噜(不过也确实因为灵感枯竭而导致更新慢了,绝对不是忙着打游戏去了) 届时,本站上的小说会继续更新,因为总要更新剧情的。而VN将会把第三人称小说改成第一人称,并对剧情表述进行小修改。有图像之后,之前想写在小说里,但又怕过于枯燥的对话或者别的就可以大胆一点了,所以即使看过小说,再重头玩VN的话,也可能会看到一点点新剧情。 至于VN的第一版demo时间我个人并不确定,尽管已经给画师制定好时间表,但是画师这种生物嘛......她还拖着不少人的稿呢,我只能希望她别又给我拖很久(已经被她拖了5年才正式准备给我画)12,837文字pixiv小説作品 Vore POV: Male werewolf digests little Sister (underage, masturbation)
WARNING: contains masturbation, some lewd comments, light touchy feely moments and a whole lot of digestion. More stuff from my interactive story here: https://aryion.com/iss/overview.php?story=1008 This one is a variation on the original werewolf POV with a big focus on post vore X3 and perhaps a little taste of what may be to come from me or whoever else adds to this little section of the interactive. :p I have to say i'm really enjoying these little scenes between the werewolf and Sarah, writing in first person opens the door to a lot more tasty scenarios than I would have otherwise thought. But for now I think i'll be putting this particular story line aside and focusing on another werewolf in the interactive. So stay tuned for that. And as always if you wanna contribute in some way to this interactive, feel free. it's much appreciated.17,357文字pixiv小説作品Werewolf vore POV: Big brother/Little sister
A newer werewolf vore story with more Voyeurism and licking19,282文字pixiv小説作品- ナイト オブ ザ ウェア エド シリーズ
ナイト オブ ザ ウェアエド さやこの小さな勇気
待ちに待った、文化発表会!それが、2日後にあります。そんな中、手品の練習をしていたサヤク姉妹。しかし、手品は大失敗・・・。 そして、前代未聞の大事件・・・・・・。モンスターが現れてしまう! モンスターが現れ、エッドまでやられてしまう!果たして、2人を救えるのか? これは、さやこがまだ臆病の頃のお話です・・・・・・。 海外漫画『Night of the Were-Ed』を見たい人はこっち→ https://www.deviantart.com/night-of-the-were-ed/gallery/24458886/night-of-the-were-ed12,937文字pixiv小説作品 Werewolf vore: Sweet little sister
An older vore story featuring a werewolf eating his lil sis20,313文字pixiv小説作品