







ロシアの女子の伝統的な制服はエプロンドレススタイル(ピナフォア)で、学校エプロン(Школьный фартук)と呼ばれている。





ユニフォーム Uniform


衣類 … 関連タグのまとめあり


軍服 軍装 ナチス

大礼服 警官服 旧制服 部隊章 階級

作業服 コンビニユニフォーム ナース服 鉄道制服 事務服


学生服 学ラン 詰襟 ブレザー セーラー服 ボレロ

セーラーブレザー セーラージャケット セーラーボレロ セーラーワンピース

ブラウス制服 スクールブラウス ブラウスとブレザーの学校制服

ワイシャツ シャツブラウス ポロシャツ

スクールニット スクールカーディガン スクールセーター スクールベスト

制帽 学帽 ローファー スニーカー

体操服 スク水 給食着



学生 小学生 中学生 高校生 中高生

男子中学生 / 男子高校生 / 男子中高生

女子中学生 / 女子高生 / 女子中高生


制服裸足 制服マフラー 制服パーカー

夏制服 盛夏服 ベルト付きワンピース制服 なんちゃって制服 青い制服 緑の制服

制服交換 世界制服


制服女子 鉄壁スカート













  • Heleion Archives


    And another one. The longest of the three I planned for this month. And the one I wanted to be shorter, but as I finished outlining the characters, I realized it won't be if I give a segment to each including the Federation POVs in the next. On a worldbuilding note: Skjaldmaeriors were changed into Skjaldmaeriths. Initially to signal how the Voidfarer's became the second largest branch of the Black Roses [and all other Orders] I wanted to give them their own unique/special forces ranks that somewhat matched with the aforementioned one and the other. Now the other reason is me being forgetful and not finding the notes where I wrote down their uniforms, their history, etc. I do remember it was Skjaldmae something, but my reflex was to go with the -rith suffix which means elf. In this case the word's meaning should be Elven Shield Maiden which I kinda like so in the future it will extend to chapters [and If I stop being lazy, will correct it in past chapters]. Similarly, Federation terminoligies may change here. A lot of stuff was made without much thought in regards of them. Like their ship terminology comes from astrology, that will probably stay, the human race of the Federation will have a proper name, similarly all the other's will change in the future. The one thing probably that remains in my mind, is that they are based on Star Trek's Federation, at least their Void Navy stuff. Anyhow, that is enough rambling for today. Thank you for reading this chapter, hope you all enjoyed it so far. Take care until tomorrow's chapter folks! Twitter: https://x.com/Momon71stauthor BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/momontheauthor.bsky.social DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/momon71 Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/1055982/heleion-archives/
  • Heleion Archives

    Rose Out of the Bag

    Another one. The single piece for this week, as the next longer story (I think I'll use this term even if technically they are short stories sometimes connected to others) will arrive next week. Maybe with another short piece story, but we'll see. On a minor note before I start my rambling, short stories will be all over the world of Heleion, while the longer pieces for now will focus on the capital of Naireanth. Just FYI. Now a bit of background for this story. Originally I wanted to write this as a piece of a longer one for the Great War after the Black Roses overtook the business of the Scarlet Shadows. A bit on them too later, with originally the Scarlet Shadow being Chartyn or her tiefling/stygian partner being the "captured" character of the first part. While Leonaes's character was originally meant to be a handler to some Daomaors of the Black Rose, and some other assets planted in Queen's Fall, preparing for an invasion. But then things got quicker in that as I started reimagining things. And just like that, I was also planning to write an explanation to aetherna satin, in how its different, and better than void satin that would had lead to its replacement. But for a long time the only things I was sure of is that it has deeper, vibrant color post-production. Now it somewhat materialized in my mind, with the whole molten mythrinite if it was a fluid textile thing, with the durability of the former in its hardened state. As a justification of why the Black Roses use it, besides it being glamorous in appearance. The same is also true for Dragonid Faux Leather, but that I plan to dedicate a chapter to that too later. Now on the Shadows of Aermagh. Tbh its still not fully decided yet, but its a small change anyways. Mostly what I'm rambling about is the ditching of the Scarlet part. While the whole queen who established them was a red head thing is true in lore, their uniform changed a bit. Instead of having scarlet blouses, I plan to shift them towards essentially James Bond styled suits, partly for the inspiration, partly as their missions will involve high value targets where wearing a suit is not too out of place. And that is all for now. Thank you for reading this lewder chapter, and see you next week folks. Till then have a nice weekend and week! Take care!
  • Heleion Archives

    Loner, Tall, Handsome, False III.

    Another one. So the low ranks uniform didn't change much within the Black Rose as I kind of envisioned them as the more simple, less extravagant in design. The one major change was in regards of the blouse/shirt which now is predominantly snow [platinum] silver while certain parts of it are the ranks color. At first though it was kinda of in reverse with the collars being snow silver, but this made more sense even though their coats are different. Also wanted to have a fight, but with this work I wanted to be within set limits of 2k-2.5k words while also only reaching the four part limit so that fight got cut. Though one another reason was me being unsure at that point how to tackle the truck. At first I did not want to make a repeat like one of the last chapters of the Great War arc of the previous iteration, even though I went with that in the end. Anyhow, one more part remains, featuring another minor cameo of sorts. So thank you for reading, and have a fine saturday! Twitter: https://twitter.com/Momon71stauthor Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HeleionChronicles Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/1055982/heleion-archives/
  • 家庭教師と女子高生

  • 魔法少女からは逃げられない。何処までも追ってきた、魔法生物のマスコット


    遂に決着をつけた主人公。無事に家に帰る事が出来て喜んでいたのもつかの間。 魔法少女の最強最大の敵「お母さん」との戦いが待っていた。 主人公の全てを知る最強の敵「お母さん」に主人公が勝利する事が出来るのか? そして、主人公が魔法少女になって姿が変わったのに気付いて貰えるか? 答えは簡単だ。「お母さん」は最強だ。お母さんからは逃げられない。
  • Heleion Archives

    Training Day II.

    And another one on World Goth Day! Though no goth ones in this one unless all dark elves are goths. Anyhow, this one got a bit lewder than usual, and weirder as I noticed there haven't been weird stuff in a very long while. So here is flesh magic used for lewd purposes. And for the scarring of a young 210 year old dragonkin. And a bit of action for the end that I also wanted to do for a while now, to be exact in one of the recent short stories set in the previous age. Anyhow, thank you for reading, have a fine evening folks! Twitter: https://x.com/Momon71stauthor Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HeleionChronicles Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/1055982/heleion-archives/
  • 百合の日 リレー小説

    6月25日の百合の日に合わせて、弊会では創作企画を行いました。その一環としてリレー小説を作成しました。 テーマは「雨」「制服」「天使」となっております。
  • 《水手制服帶來的春天》

    關於我曾經在校園遇見學妹制服裙子卡在內褲縫的那檔事。 (封面使用Canva製作)
  • コスチューム

    例によって、妄想を書き留めました。 さらっと何でもできそうな青年と、やや「甘えた」の青年が出てきました。 暖かくなったと思えば寒くもなるこの頃、皆さまご自愛くださいませ。
  • 変わらない

    Pawooにて、#わんあわ という22時からの1時間で何かしようという企画と、 #500字以内ss という縛りの中で、 #pixiv今日のお題、#制服 というお題にて書いたものです。
  • からだくらべ

    背が高くて痩せている子と、背が低くてぽっちゃりの子。お互いのからだの大きさの違いを実感して、むず痒くも幸せな気持ちになる。 ぽっちゃの子にキッツキツの服を着せるフェチがあります。 オリジナル小説ウィークリーランキング7位でした。ありがとうございます。
  • とある旅行代理店の出来事

    とある旅行代理店の出来事 設定集

    『とある旅行代理店の出来事』で出てきた登場人物や舞台設定をまとめたもの。 話の進行と同時に逐一内容を追加していきます。
  • Heleion Archives

    Uninvited Guests

    Another one. A sort of closure to last week's story so to speak. Mostly just to give a bit of a name and personality to some minor characters. Also a way to reintroduce the Seekers, now renamed to Inquisitoroths. Still wanted to keep their battle-nun style, but wanted to expand their role beyond treasure hunters so to speak. Plus they are essentially a minor branch of the Black Roses. Which I will expand a bit more on later chapters, as I decided on certain things regarding Naireanth's military structure. Not every story will have mini side stories though, but I do plan to have some a bit of build up outside the multi piece stories. For example the next major story involving the serial killer won't have side stories besides the one already posted. Most of their stories will be part of the five piece that will come at the end of the month. Speaking of which, this month will mostly compromise of shorter one pieces that will have some spooky underthemes and worldbuilding. Wanted to focus this time on the serial killer/crime thriller piece, but I did start working on the one after it involving the reintroduction of my James Bond inspired character first featured in the Great War "saga". Just with a name change. Which will start another, long storyline. For today, that is all. I leave the what comes next week for tomorrow's chapter. So with that all out of the way, thank you for reading and see you all tomorrow. Till then have a nice friday!
  • 縦に裂いた塵

    以前、七夕というテーマでサークルの文芸誌に掲載した作品です。 七夕の準備をする女の子の話です。

